my pc takes 5minutes to start or load things up
i tried booting only with ssd(boot drive) and it still takes 5 mins
any idea why is this happening?
I dont understand what you mean but i posted a picture of windows boot time and start up programs also how did you fix yours?yes it did the overview page that the one i ask it show time and what start up with systemView: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAO4eKkqtA8
yes i did disable all the unwanted programs and the fastboot and fast start up still it doesnt worki did uncheck fast boot and in glary utilities under overview when you press the blue tab you see all that start up with win so i disable the unwanted software there not touching the os one and disable the app you dont use .this
i already did this disable everything except microsoft stuff and nothing change still 5 minutes bootsound like you need to disabled program that you wanted too.
everything but microsoft stuff
i followed the steps still its there i dont want reset or reformat the pc since there is no performance issuethese are all related to slow boot https://www.google.ca/search?q=win+...MS4xmAEAoAEBsAEAyAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
no its when i restart or force shutdown the computerwait so the issue is when you sleep/hibranation?
i dont think the power is affecting it since i got no performance issue and btw what is double startup?this is my power settings when pc is plug turn off monitor after 10 then put pc in sleep mode 30 minutes the other settings power mode to performance but the double start up is strange from your last answer .