I have a dell computer, with a E8400, and a EVGA GTS 250 that I just put in it, also a PCI slot fan..
When gaming, my proc. gets to 66C... How can I cool it down, the case doesnt have room for a CPU cooler..
Also, how do I find out what size fan is in the back of my case? It's not a 120mm, I did mm to inche coversion and a 80mm is 3.14 inches, the 90mm is 3.5 inches, which is what the fan measures up to be......I've just never seen a 90mm fan in a comp. before and Dont want to order one of its not going to fit?
Is a 90mm un common?
When gaming, my proc. gets to 66C... How can I cool it down, the case doesnt have room for a CPU cooler..
Also, how do I find out what size fan is in the back of my case? It's not a 120mm, I did mm to inche coversion and a 80mm is 3.14 inches, the 90mm is 3.5 inches, which is what the fan measures up to be......I've just never seen a 90mm fan in a comp. before and Dont want to order one of its not going to fit?
Is a 90mm un common?