Computer Underperforming to what it used to...


Jun 29, 2017
So I have a custom built pc, I used it for about a month and thought that the fan was way to loud...
so I downloaded speedfan and turned the fan speed lower and all of a sudden the fps went to shit.
I'm really confused and I've spent the past couple months searching up solutions but have found nothing.

Gpu - R9 380x 4Gb Diamond
Cpu - I5 2400
Ram - 8gb
Motherboard - ASrock H61M-VG4

almost all temps are at 40 Celsius
while gaming it goes up to 60
So I'm pretty sure its not throttling
my cpu might be bottle necking the card but I'm not sure.

Any help would be nice.
Yes, others have had the same issue with speedfan, it does seem to change the bios. Easiest was to fix that is to remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes, it should reset the bios.

yes I uninstall it but nothing changed, I think it changed settings in bios because it kept the fan speed at 100
so I reset bios and I've factory reset a couple times since then so drivers have been reinstalled.

I haven't been able to find whats causing it to be slow,
I've done av scans and nothing has changed...
I looked to see if their was bios updates, and there wasn't aparantly.
Yes, others have had the same issue with speedfan, it does seem to change the bios. Easiest was to fix that is to remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes, it should reset the bios.

Question from 2xBaked : "FPS DROPPED FROM 140 to 40fps after installing and using speedfan"