Computer will not boot, afraid it might be a MB, PSU, or CPU problem.


Oct 5, 2014
Yesterday as I was watching Netflix, I paused my show and went to grab something to eat. I came back to the computer to find the monitor not detecting my computer at all. The computer was still running, so this made me very curious... I opened it up and all of the motherboard lights were lit up. I tried restarting the system by first powering it off, and as soon as it turned off, it did not turn on again; however, the motherboard lights remained lit for a short while before shutting down themselves. I have had no luck restarting the computer since. There were no beeps before, and there are no beeps when attempting to start it now. The PSU works fine with the paperclip test (and powers the case fans/LEDs as well) but when everything is connected normally there is no sign of life--not even the fans on the PSU itself power on.

I have taken out the RAM and attempted to start with the same results: no beep on the MB and no power in the PSU (fan) or in the system at all. The PSU only works when not connected to the motherboard. Other than switching in an alternative PSU, how can I test if this is in fact the issue? I'm more afraid that it is a MB or CPU problem; especially the latter: new CPUs are not cheap.

Since the MB warranty has ran out, I will be purchasing this one if necessary:

I have had occasional blue screens when putting the computer into "Sleep Mode" for the past few months, but none recently. I have had this computer with no other problems for about three years.

System specs are as follows:
MB: ASrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
CPU: Intel i5-2500K overclocked to 4.5Ghz (with hyper 212+)
PSU: Corsair modular 650W
GPU: Nvidia MSI twin frozr ii GTX560Ti 2gb
RAM: Corsair vengeance 2x4gb

If you need clarification please ask.
first of all why are you overclocking the i5-2500k to 4.5ghz to watch netflix.. ive done some testing on mine and 4.5ghz is reaching the edge of stability.. switch it back to stock and leave it.. you have no need to overclock the cpu unless you need brute force in applications that need it.. i use 3ds max 64bit and the improvements in overclocking now that ive figured it out are only a few seconds increase per frame of a render.. so ive left it at stock now.. when converting videos the speed only increased by a few seconds.. ive actually underclocked my cpu to 1.6ghz so that i can ensure a long life.. when i need more power i just flick to another profile during boot up.. 1.6ghz on a 2500k is still more than enough oomph for browsing and netflix.. not sure what has happened to yours, but i suspect you have a knackered psu.. mine died not long ago, it was a 650watt and just taking it out of the case to clean the computer and retidy wires, reinstalling it the fans would flick on then it would die.. it had died.. hope you havnt killed your cpu.. do you keep an eye on the temps with speccy, msi afterburner or some other program... i always have tray icons for cpu temps and gpu temps..

I'm not overclocking to watch Netflix, I use the computer for gaming and it's only on 4.5 when it's being stressed.

Temperatures do not go above 65C. If this was an overheating problem there would be a whole different world of symptoms

I'm going to try to plug in a friend's PSU tomorrow, and if that draws nothing I'll resort to buying a new MB

The fans do not flicker even for a second, they only work when using the paperclip. When the actual PSU is connected to the motherboard nothing powers up

Fairly confident its psu - 2500k is bullet proof as you know, your system is almost identical to mine bar the graphics card and air cooler, mobo slight difference.

im curious to know regarding your graphics card, do you have any clearance issues with the cooler.. im using the akasa voodoo venom and its humongous.. it totally covers my top pci-e slot and even if i rotate it 90degrees is still covers it.. was planning on sli but its going to be impossible.. what card would you recommend on a budget to complement the i5-2500k, my 650ti ssc 1gb is good and i can run games perfectly well on it but the 1gb limit is hindering me now..