Recently I've added a further 8gb (1 stick) to another exist 4gb stick. When I booted up I went to startup repair, then got a message saying 'disk error-any key to continue' and that goes on a constant loop.
I have an HP prodesk with 3.5ghz intel i5 CPU and upgraded it with a Crucial 1GX64 DDR3 1600 UDIMM 240-PIN ram stick, unsure of the mother boards model.
I am not the best at this sort of stuff, but I've been scrolling through this website looking for a solution.
I have an HP prodesk with 3.5ghz intel i5 CPU and upgraded it with a Crucial 1GX64 DDR3 1600 UDIMM 240-PIN ram stick, unsure of the mother boards model.
I am not the best at this sort of stuff, but I've been scrolling through this website looking for a solution.