Computer won't start unless unpluged


Jun 16, 2014
Hello folks.

I have tried finding the answer to my issue with no result so I'm posting in hopes someone here may be able, and for that I thank you in advance.

My computer was running perfectly

My setup:

Core: I5 7700k
Gpu: Gtx 1070
Motherboard: b150- plus d3 from asus
Psu:antec 600w (cant get the exact name)
And dual g.skill sniper ram: 4x2 total 8gb.

Recently I got an rtx 2070 and a tobii eye tracker.

Since the my computer won't turn on on the first start up of the day unless I cut the electricity from the computer and re plug the cable.

I tried to do it without anything connected but the only thing that will do is disconnecting it for a few seconds and then it will start.

After the initial restart everything is great I can play for long periods performance is great and I can even turn it off and back on.

I tried without the tobii as well just in case it may be that but nothing.

Any ideas or way to fix it are appreciated

Thank You!
Keep in mind that even a high wattage PSU could have a particular rail loaded too much (with everything else lightly loaded) and cause the issue. One example would be if you have lots of USB load you might find removing the USB devices allows boot (and then you'd have to attach after boot). Keyboards and mice are virtually no power draw at all, but external hard drives (especially USB3) can be a significant power drain. If you have something external drawing power, try disconnecting it for testing.

Btw, PC PSUs are switching supplies. Switching supplies need a certain amount of load or they won't stabilize, and so they are designed that if they don't reach a stable voltage they won't switch on. A single unstable rail is all it takes to...
Keep in mind that even a high wattage PSU could have a particular rail loaded too much (with everything else lightly loaded) and cause the issue. One example would be if you have lots of USB load you might find removing the USB devices allows boot (and then you'd have to attach after boot). Keyboards and mice are virtually no power draw at all, but external hard drives (especially USB3) can be a significant power drain. If you have something external drawing power, try disconnecting it for testing.

Btw, PC PSUs are switching supplies. Switching supplies need a certain amount of load or they won't stabilize, and so they are designed that if they don't reach a stable voltage they won't switch on. A single unstable rail is all it takes to stop boot. I wouldn't expect a 2070 to draw much more than a 1070, but it might. I also have no idea how much an eye tracker uses.

If it does turn out to be USB drawing too much you could get an externally powered USB HUB.
Thanks for the detailed answer, yet I tried unplugging all my usb and had no luck with it though from what I understood from you is that lets say the rtx is drawing a lot of power initially on one supply then the psu may not be stabilising could this be solved by resetting the measures of the supplies by unplugging the cord?

If so that would explain my issue and I wouldn't be surprised that my psu is not standing up for the task as I'm fully aware my current psu is quite bad