Question Computer won't turn on till I unplug from PSU


May 29, 2019
I've gone through the sticky and old post. But my problem is slightly different. There's no sudden shut down or any of sorts. I would use the computer and shut down normally. Then when I'll try to turn it on the next day it won't turn on. So I'll have to unplug the power cord from the PSU and replug it or I might just turn off/on the PSU switch. And then try to power on the computer would turn on. I'll use it without any kind of problem for the day and after shutting down without issues same happens the next day (no power till replug). It's been happening for 5/6 times now. My build is nearly 2 years old.

The PSU is Antec VP500(/550?)P and
The Motherboard is Gigabyte B450M DS3H

Any Help is Highly Appreciated <3<3
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