[SOLVED] Concerned about CPU burning the house down

Sep 3, 2021
Hi, recently I assembled a computer for the first time in my life (exciting!). When trying to attach the CPU to the motherboard, I got the position wrong (I should have read the manual): I tried to push down the CPU to the board but it wouldn't go in. When I took it up, however, on the motherboard CPU base, I noticed a small golden color thing that looks like a piece of a wire. Afterwards, I put the CPU in the right position and the whole computer is working fine. But I'm worried if the wire I saw (which I blew away) was actually a broken piece of the CPU's pins, because I did push harder than I should when trying to make it go into the wrong position. Overall, I am most concerned that if it is a fire hazard. ( I am diagnosed with anxiety and OCD). I am not too worried about the computer being damaged but a potential fire that will burn the house down and put the lives of me, my life, and our two birds, and the neighbors in jeopardy. Please could you tell me it's a valid concern. Your expert advise will be greatly appreciated.
Without seeing what the "wire" is, I don't think anyone could say if it was a pin or what it might have been. Pins are very short, and solid. Wires bend. I don't know what it was, but I'm inclined to say it wasn't a CPU pin.

If it's working and everything seems right, I wouldn't worry about a fire. If it was going to spark, it would have done so on the first turn on. Sounds like you got lucky. Enjoy your new rig.
Without seeing what the "wire" is, I don't think anyone could say if it was a pin or what it might have been. Pins are very short, and solid. Wires bend. I don't know what it was, but I'm inclined to say it wasn't a CPU pin.

If it's working and everything seems right, I wouldn't worry about a fire. If it was going to spark, it would have done so on the first turn on. Sounds like you got lucky. Enjoy your new rig.
Without seeing what the "wire" is, I don't think anyone could say if it was a pin or what it might have been. Pins are very short, and solid. Wires bend. I don't know what it was, but I'm inclined to say it wasn't a CPU pin.

If it's working and everything seems right, I wouldn't worry about a fire. If it was going to spark, it would have done so on the first turn on. Sounds like you got lucky. Enjoy your new rig.
Thanks so much for your kind and expert reply! I feel more at ease now!
I heard that Intel CPUs can still work even if a few pins are out of contact. With modern fire protection mechanisms on motherboards, CPUs, and PSUs the chance something will catch fire is pretty low due to a bent pin or wire