Config budget Ryzen 3 build

Jan 2, 2018
Hello everyone,

I am a little tight on my budget (~600 euros) for this config without any periphericals. I can maybe afford 250€ on a 144 hz monitor but I'll see that after building the case first.
After reading many threads there and there, I decided to build one with this config. It is my first time builiding a computer from scratch, so feel free to give me any advices !

CPU : Ryzen 3 1300X (~120€)
Motherboard : Gigabyte AB3500M Gaming 3 or the cheapiest I can find from B350M model (~80€)
RAM : 2x4 Gb - 2400 mHz - DDR4 (also the cheapiest) (~100€)
GPU : GTX 1050 Ti (~150€)

For the Power Supply and the Case, I will look at what my computer needs before looking but probably gonna put 40 euros each

For the HDD and SSD part, I had a laptop with one SSD and HDD and was wondering if I can use it for the build (would really help me on the budget part).
- SSD : 2,5" 120 GB SATA III
- HDD : Seagate Momentus XT 500 GB

Also, I read in different forums that to use a 144 hz, GPU is really important.. Is my config enough to run League of Legends, Overwatch & CS:GO at 144 hz? Also, is FreeSync from AMD really that important to have (kinda expensive imo) to run a 144 hz monitor?

I'm sorry for my English & if this thread looks disorganized.. thanks in advance for your incoming advices and reading !

Get a ram with 2666 or 3000+.You will be good to go.

That build seems good enough to run LoL,Overwatch and CSGO at 144hz monitor.

No,it’s not important to have amd freesync.Gtx1050 TI can run many games smoothly.nvdia gtx1050 TI has g-sync technology.Its to reduce screen shuttering.

For psu try Corsair TX 550 watts or seasonic 520 watt.

Decicde on a case that has good airflow and ventilation.
I live in France and I'm waiting for the 10th of this month (Winter sales) to see if some components price gonna drop a little bit
I mostly use to look for the needed components and choose the cheapiest. Most of the time, it is Amazon though
I read that too somewhere, but if I don't plan on OC, is 2400 enough? RAM's prices is so expensive.. I was also thinking if I can buy an 8 GB ram on a 4 emplacement mobo (10€ save for something else)

For the OS, I read (again?!) some thread concerning Ubuntu, I might give it a try before switching back to Windows 10.
Apparently, the AOC G2460FQ is a bad one :

Thank you all for your answers. Really appreciate it.