Confuse making pc


Jul 18, 2012
I just bought a new pc here are the pc

but the motherboard and psu of the computer are completely different..the psu only have 2 cables..and the mobo doesnt have the 20/24 pin..i want to install graphic card on it but it cant be i got another processor i5 3330, cm 620watt psu and hd 5850..should i sell the processor to buy a new mobo or should i sell the pc to buy new mobo and cases...thanks


Aug 27, 2014
I don't know what the rules on this in your country are, but if you just bought it and can still send it back for the refund, do so.

If that's not possible, then the rest depends on what prices you could get for the components, but I guess that it will be better to sell the PC as a whole. You might get a reasonable offer for it (it's actually an ok computer, as long as you don't need the graphics), whereas if you sell it for parts, the only thing of value there is really the cpu.

You might also consider a graphics card which doesn't require external power. I think some models of radeon 7750 or nvidia gtx 750 (for example, those are surely not the only ones) like this can be found and their performance will be comparable to your 5850 (well, actually a bit lower, especially 7750, but not by miles). In that case you could sell the other components you bought without losing that much money.

EDIT: The price you should set really depends on the local market and how you sell it, so it's going to be difficult to give advice not knowing the situation. I would guess that with a bit of luck you could get around 80% of its original price. But there could be also a noob buying it for 105%, or you could struggle to sell it at 60% -- that depends on the local context and the ways that you choose for the sale (and luck, of course).


Aug 6, 2014
yes geosh is right really its a hard one you have got a ok computer, what if he puts a better power supply into it, but then its the case its abit small buy a new case and a better power supply and use that bored and cpu and get a good graphics card like the 3GB Sapphire Radeon R9 280X TOXIC its a great card, or try and send it back maybe, or sell it get what you can for it, and buy a good secondhand one.


Jul 18, 2012

The dell power supply only have 2 cables. 8 pin power connector and cpu connector. Thats all. No gpu, hdd cable and 20 pin cable


Aug 27, 2014
What do you mean by no hdd cable? Let's forget the graphics card for now. How is the harddrive connected? Does the computer work or not? If not, why not just send it back?

If the computer works as it is, just the PSU misses the extra connector for graphics, that's why I suggested considering a graphics card which doesn't require any additional power beyond what it actually gets from the pci-e slot. This solution is still full of compromises, but maybe would suffice -- that's up to you to decide.

Also note that the 6-pin connector that most graphics cards require can be also gained through reduction from a 4-pin molex. Though if I understand correctly, not even that is available to you. And it would also not change the situation much since the psu isn't suitable for much more powerful graphics anyway.

If that's not ok, I suggest that you get rid of the pc and build your own. These brand pc's aren't really designed to be modified and it's not worth it.
When you buy from people like Dell or HP, especailly lower priced models, you are paying for minimal equipment that is not designed or intended to be upgraded. They are manufactured (on purpose)with proprietary parts that won't work with off the shelf or retail parts. If you are planning on buying OEM, and you intend on upgrading, you have to be careful about choosing a model with upgradeable features. But of course, that means you pay a premium. Thus, we build our own from scratch.


Jul 18, 2012

Yeah i know that. The HDD and the other caonnect directly to the mobo. So weird.