Confused about audio drivers. Please help


Feb 20, 2015
I have an Asus Maximus VII Hero. I updated all drivers from the Asus motherboard support website. Now I have two audio drivers. 1 is HD Audio Device. 2 is Realtek HD Audio. The HD audio device is from Microsoft. Which one can I uninstall? Something is causing 1 second delay audio lag. I feel that these two are counteracting each other.
I had the Nvidia hd audio installed, but i uninstalled that. Now im left with these two. If i disable realtek, then there is sound. If i disable hd audio there is no sound. Its so wierd. I have an optical cord in the spdif spot. Why is this so confusing?

well I would think the Microsoft one maybe the built in to windows default driver and may not try to remove that , but it would seem if the primary driver like the one you get from asus for the realtek chip gets properly installed it should override the Microsoft one load it up

I think I would uninstall the realtek one and then try to reinstall it

'' I have an optical cord in the spdif spot''

I never had to use that so cant help with what goes on there [sorry]

or check in to the realtek hd audio manager to insure the settings there are correct and configured in it

Ok. To clear things up. I figured out Realtek is for the motherboard and Hd audio device is the graphics card. The optical spdif was not working because i had both sides pluggled into "OUT"... So now I am wondering what is the nvidia hd audio for?