Confused about server CPUs

Rolf Herbert

Jul 28, 2015
Hi all,

I have to find a processor for;

Intel standing server

The specifications seem to give a tremendously small range of compatible (or at least certified) CPUs, ie just the E5 2400 range.

There are many more LGA1356 CPUS out there...but Im very confused as to what will work. Its not going to be taked very hard so I dont even need a XEON just something that will let me use HyperV.

Any advice..?



Unfortunately, as Intel gives only those processors as compatible, it is very probable that they are the only ones that will work, since the board you have is a dual CPU config one, and only certain CPUS may support that config. Also, you may want to check up on whether two CPUs must be installed for the server...

Unfortunately, as Intel gives only those processors as compatible, it is very probable that they are the only ones that will work, since the board you have is a dual CPU config one, and only certain CPUS may support that config. Also, you may want to check up on whether two CPUs must be installed for the server to work, since I doubt it will run with one empty. The cheapest CPU that your system supports is the E5 2403 v2, which is $210 brand new:

or around $130 used:

Yep, that would be the best option. In any case, why not tell me your budget and requirements and I'll see if I can find one for you?