Congressman Proposes 2-Year Ban on Internet Related Bills

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"Darrell Issa, who was one of the strong supporters against the former two bills"

"Supporters against"? Not "opponents of"? Tisk. Journalists and their poor grammar.
Silly congressman, the government doesn't need to follow any laws.
Good beginning, but now we've got to:
A. Re-elect this guy.
B. Help him to understand that this bill should be for over 9000 years.
C. Pass the bill.
D. Buy Black Ops 2 and start playing Tranzit.
They know they can't pass anything with a republican controlled House...
So thats why you have this bill for 2 years in the probable hopes that the Dems win back the house in 2014...

Good Luck Jim >_>
I hope they don't trick us and after that 2 years is over, the people won't even remember what was happening and they vote on the bill and pass it. They should just let the ban be permanent. Also there's similar bills that does the same thing, different name, same thing.
[citation][nom]memadmax[/nom]They know they can't pass anything with a republican controlled House...So thats why you have this bill for 2 years in the probable hopes that the Dems win back the house in 2014...Good Luck Jim >_>[/citation]
Democrats are the ones who try passing bills like SOPA and PIPA in the first place.

Hopefully we'll have a Republican controlled Senate within a couple of years. They'll be able to stem the tide of retarded ideas streaming from our out of touch Democratic President and Congressman.
To enhance this story let it be known that it is Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican from California who is proposing this. I'm sure the DemocRATS are already rubbing their greedy hands together with more TAXES in mind.
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, who was one of the strong supporters against the former two bills, released a draft of the proposed bill in question, titled the "Internet American Moratorium Act 2012", to Project Madison, a crowdsourcing platform.

So quit believing everything the biased liberal media tells you and start thinking for yourself.
Hmmm... they didn't mention it was a republican proposing this. A republican actually having some common sense. Too bad he one of the few.
Never Trust are Government. Every day they are taking away are rights. Only thing I can say...Never let them take are first and second amendment. We are !@#$ing DOOM.
SOPA was proposed by Lamar S. Smith, a Republican from Texas.
PIPA was introduced by Patrick Leahy, a Democrat from Vermont, and that bill was stopped by Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon.
CISPA was introduced by US representative Michael Rogers, Republican from MI.

If you all are going to start throwing out political blame for these bs bills, at least do a little research, instead of automatically blaming Democrats for stuff.

It took me less than a minute on Google to find this info.

Why re-elect him? I say get rid of all of them. He might hold a positive opinion on this issue but on a whole slew of others issues (including Women's Rights) Issa is a retarded step monkey.

I see... I wonder who pushed for the Patriot Act? For the invasion of Iraq? For the FISA bill? Democrat or Republican... both are corrupt parties. It is a false dichotomy to assume that they're not "alike" or are the only choices at our disposal.

Biased Liberal Media? How about simply calling it what it is. The Corporate Media. Each Corporate Media Institution having a different internal policy re: Ethics & Morals. What we see, on TV, is not only the "news" but the "news" through this Corporate Prism. These Corporations are welfare Queens suckling at the Tax Payers teets. They lobby and get their way. In fact in this case we're talking about large Media conglomerates lobbying Congress, Senate etc in order to pass strong laws to regulate the Internet on the argument/principle of Patents and Intellectual Property rights (which are illegitimate... there is no such thing as an Intellectual Property Right). The Media is owned by those very same large Media Conglomerates. Therefore is it really any wonder why the Media Institutions tend to support regulating the Internet?

Liberal Media? No... Corporatist Media.

With Fox News you get Pro-Oil, Pro-War and Anti-Union, Anti-Women's Rights, Pro-Racism rhetoric etc (the interests they represent). For CNN you get a Pro-War, Both ways on Unions (trying to find a Middle Ground), Pro Women's Rights, Anti-Racism in a way that is racist (splitting up America into Colors like Black America, White America etc). MSNBC is like Fox only with a penchant for Facts (cept when it comes to Economics) rather than bullshit. Problem is that even if you're right... doesn't mean you have the right to force your views onto others.

So I don't get the logic of your world view. You don't seem to actually factor in Economic principles (Homesteading, Property Acquisition Principles or otherwise). Rather you seem to simply regurgitate talking points from pundits that actually are not in keeping with Freed Markets principles.
You can't fool all of the people all of the time, and that's why the two parties take turns.
[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]Why re-elect him? I say get rid of all of them. He might hold a positive opinion on this issue but on a whole slew of others issues (including Women's Rights) Issa is a retarded step monkey.[/citation] What do you mean by women's rights? The 'right' to have others pay for their birth control. The 'right' to have others pay for their abortions? Those aren't rights..

[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]I see... I wonder who pushed for the Patriot Act? For the invasion of Iraq? For the FISA bill? Democrat or Republican... both are corrupt parties.[/citation] Just as both are corrupt parties, both have corrupt politicians who make corrupt decisions.

[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]Biased Liberal Media? How about simply calling it what it is. The Corporate Media. Each Corporate Media Institution having a different internal policy re: Ethics & Morals. What we see, on TV, is not only the "news" but the "news" through this Corporate Prism.[/citation] Yes, the Biased Liberal Media. Generally news agencies report the same news, but put different twists on it based upon their views. (or sometimes they don't report news at all)

[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]These Corporations are welfare Queens suckling... Liberal Media?[/citation] Agreed.

[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]With Fox News you get Pro-Oil, Pro-War and Anti-Union, Anti-Women's Rights, Pro-Racism rhetoric etc (the interests they represent).[/citation] Do you even watch Fox News?
Fox News is Pro-Oil/Coal. Over 40% of our nation's energy is produced by coal. What would you suggest? Solar Panels? Wind Farms? LAWL.. Almost all of our nations vehicles are powered by refined oil. (Gas) Would you rather the US depend on middle eastern countries for oil? Pro-War? Fox News is pro protecting our nation's citizens by any and all means necessary. Anti Union? No. Fox News is against being REQUIRED to join a Union. Again, conservatives are against paying for women's birth control or planned parenthood. (If this isn't what you mean by women's rights, then please, explain.
Pro-Racist? The burden of Proof is on you my friend.

[citation][nom]ElMoIsEviL[/nom]Problem is that even if you're right... doesn't mean you have the right to force your views onto others.[/citation] I have the right to free speech, to voice my opinion wherever I want. I can also challenge others on their beliefs, it is up to them to decide whether to contest the point. So I don't get the logic of your world view EiMoIsEvil.[/citation]
[citation][nom]wannabepro[/nom]Democrats are the ones who try passing bills like SOPA and PIPA in the first place.Hopefully we'll have a Republican controlled Senate within a couple of years. They'll be able to stem the tide of retarded ideas streaming from our out of touch Democratic President and Congressman.[/citation]
Yeah, and who knows, they might even add terms like 'legitimate rape' to the constitution.
legitimate rape, lol. What a clown that guy was. Republicans need to look deep in the mirror man, they're so lost. Now McCain is even converting slightly. There won't be a Republican controlled anything in a couple more years. Hint, want more mexican's to vote for you? STOP talking about deporting them! (I'm not mexican, it's just an example of their exclusionary rhetoric).

Got an idea how to reduce the debt: Get rid of half of Congress. Way too many of them not doing much. Screw the Great Compromise and bicameral legislature. 1 man, 1 vote. And get rid of the Electoral College which simply favors small states. Screw the small states, do their tax dollars mean more than mine? Taxation and EQUAL representation. This aint 1776 anymore, I could care less what Rhode Island thinks.
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