Connect 512 hard disks to 1 card, how?


Jul 13, 2015
Hi. I saw this HBA card of LSI:

LSI SAS 9201-16i

It says this card supports '512 Non-RAID SAS/SATA devices'. I am wondering how to connect that many.

I know the 4 ports on it are all SAS and 1 SAS=4 SATA, but even though there are only 16 SATA, and 512/16=32, which means 1 sata port needs to connect 32 drives.

There is no way to put all the disks into one chassis, so there must be many external chassis, but I didn't see any external port on this card, so how do people do to connect 512 drives? Is there a sata cable goes across the chassis and connect the external devices? Photos or sketches would be the most appreciated.
You would probably want to go with SAS backplane expanders, which can come in very large sizes if you have a very large wallet. Each SAS port has a limit of 128 devices but your usage may dictate a smaller number. HERE is a bunch of pictures to give you an idea what I'm talking about.
You would probably want to go with SAS backplane expanders, which can come in very large sizes if you have a very large wallet. Each SAS port has a limit of 128 devices but your usage may dictate a smaller number. HERE is a bunch of pictures to give you an idea what I'm talking about.