Question Connecting 2nd house on property to a POE inside a barn on said property.

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Title may be confusing sorry, I'm not a networking god, I have some hopefully basic questions though so any help is greatly appreciated!

I'll go into the situation first.

This question is for my dad and the property he lives on, He lives at his friends property. Said property has 2 houses on it. My dads friends property is on a Horse veterinarian clinic and they get decent internet probably up to 300mb/s download, Anyhow. My dad lives in a smaller house on the same property, He pays for his own internet from the same ISP company his friend buys from. Tho My dad gets a 8mb/s DSL Package for $90 a month a literal scam if you ask me as he doesn't get 1/4th the speed he pays for 99% of the time. Anyhow, I was thinking If it would be possible to buy a router or an access point and hook it up in my Dads house and then Buy a weatherproof 250ft or so Cat6 cable and wire it accordingly probably through the air via telephone poles etc whatever. And wiring it to the POE inside the Barn less than 150ft from his house. Would this suffice? Would it transfer ethernet through the cable and to my dads router in his house? - The POE is a Netgear GS305P

And obviously, Cancel the $90 DSL crap package he is buying.

Again Any help is greatly appreciated!
If the run is only 150-250 feet you will be fine. Internet doesn't need the 'power' component of POE. I assume this hookup is for cameras and in that you will have to find if they are actually connected to the internet or back to a device that is providing the video signal to the recorder. Not the same.

Don't run it through the air. Get direct burial cable, etc. or run a piece of conduit. Not only does being in the air offer lightning and surge an easy path, but you will also need devices to safely ground and nullify the static charge that builds up on aerial lines.
Got it, Do burial. I wil have to look into how to properly run cat6 underground and hopefully can do it myself etc.

The POE inside the Barn has a almost light switch like power plug on the wall above the POE with 3 what look like ethernet ports inside of it and they are all labeled.

The top port labeled: Feed.

second port labeled: AP

Third port labeled: Office

There is no 4th open port on the wall plug, Tho the actual POE itself has 3 more open ports and only 2 ports taken tho it looks like port 1-4 on the POE only 1 is taken and there is a second cord to the right of that 4th port with no label as I see where the other 4 ports on the POE are called port 1-4 POE + 30 watts/port max.

Not sure if these labels help you at all figure out what they are. I will be able to ask the actual property owner soon as he is a good friend of my dads.
On the cable you can either get direct burial cable or you can run some PVC conduit and run regular cable inside it. Make sure your run isn't longer than ~330'.

Direct burial cable will have a much thicker jacket on it and is made for a small trench to be dug and the cable dropped in and covered. The other way would be a type of grey PVC made for being buried. I recommend that you run a few pull strings as you go, or a trick we used to do was have a friend at one end and you at the other with a vacuum cleaner. Tie a little baggy onto the end of the string and use the vacuum to pull it through to the other side. It is advisable in this case to pull out around the expected amount of string and tie or otherwise mark it so you know when it is (past) being there.

As to the actuall connections, you will have to suss that out on your end.
Title may be confusing sorry, I'm not a networking god, I have some hopefully basic questions though so any help is greatly appreciated!

I'll go into the situation first.

This question is for my dad and the property he lives on, He lives at his friends property. Said property has 2 houses on it. My dads friends property is on a Horse veterinarian clinic and they get decent internet probably up to 300mb/s download, Anyhow. My dad lives in a smaller house on the same property, He pays for his own internet from the same ISP company his friend buys from. Tho My dad gets a 8mb/s DSL Package for $90 a month a literal scam if you ask me as he doesn't get 1/4th the speed he pays for 99% of the time. Anyhow, I was thinking If it would be possible to buy a router or an access point and hook it up in my Dads house and then Buy a weatherproof 250ft or so Cat6 cable and wire it accordingly probably through the air via telephone poles etc whatever. And wiring it to the POE inside the Barn less than 150ft from his house. Would this suffice? Would it transfer ethernet through the cable and to my dads router in his house? - The POE is a Netgear GS305P

And obviously, Cancel the $90 DSL crap package he is buying.

Again Any help is greatly appreciated!
Just remember that you are probably violating the terms of service for this vet clinic by sharing the internet. It is probably also tax fraud, since the vet clinic deducts the cost of the internet as a business expense. Just something to think about.
Just remember that you are probably violating the terms of service for this vet clinic by sharing the internet. It is probably also tax fraud, since the vet clinic deducts the cost of the internet as a business expense. Just something to think about.

That's making a lot of assumptions. We have no way of knowing if his dad is living on the property because of his veterinary skills and proximity to the animals he treats and so forth. He might be their professional dog walker for all we know.
That's making a lot of assumptions. We have no way of knowing if his dad is living on the property because of his veterinary skills and proximity to the animals he treats and so forth. He might be their professional dog walker for all we know.
The fact that there were two internet services from the same company says that there are two independent accounts. Sharing between those accounts would be violating the terms of service. His relation to the clinic (with US tax law) wouldn't matter since the use of the internet at "home" wouldn't be deductible.
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