S Spiderbait375 Reputable Apr 20, 2015 84 0 4,630 Jan 29, 2019 #1 Is there any difference in fan performance when connecting it to the PSU with molex compared to connecting to the motherboard?
Is there any difference in fan performance when connecting it to the PSU with molex compared to connecting to the motherboard?
Dashman9000 Distinguished May 16, 2009 249 10 18,965 Jan 29, 2019 #2 Connecting to the PSU via molex will cause the fan to run at 100% all of the time. Connected to the motherboard you have fan / heat curves to adjust the rpm's. No problem connecting to the PSU, just beware it will run full speed and be quite noisy. Upvote 0 Downvote
Connecting to the PSU via molex will cause the fan to run at 100% all of the time. Connected to the motherboard you have fan / heat curves to adjust the rpm's. No problem connecting to the PSU, just beware it will run full speed and be quite noisy.
Vikashni636 BANNED Dec 2, 2024 4 0 0 Today at 12:51 AM #3 Hi, new member. I agree with on that one. Upvote 0 Downvote