Question Connecting NAS to wired + wireless network


Dec 31, 2007
We just moved in to a new house that has whose house ethernet wiring plus wireless. I plugged our PC and NAS into our D-Link DGS-1008G switch. The PC connects to the network and then to the internet. If it didn't you wouldn't be reading this. Our WD EX4100 NAS is also connected to this switch, but does not appear as a networked device. Did I forget a step or is it just being a bother?


We just moved in to a new house that has whose house ethernet wiring plus wireless. I plugged our PC and NAS into our D-Link DGS-1008G switch. The PC connects to the network and then to the internet. If it didn't you wouldn't be reading this. Our WD EX4100 NAS is also connected to this switch, but does not appear as a networked device. Did I forget a step or is it just being a bother?
Is the EX4100 set to DHCP or static? If static, is it in the correct subnet?
Check the router to see if it has a list of connected devices and see if the NAS is still on the same IP address. If it was set up with DHCP, it may have changed. Once you know the IP address, ping it to see if the computer can even talk to it. If you can, then you should be able to log into its web interface.

From there it should just be making sure you have the proper share settings on the NAS set and if you're using Windows that the network discovery settings are correctly set.


Dec 31, 2007
Unfortunately, I can't access the NAS using network. Nor do I see the wi-fi router. I used Advanced IP Scanner and it didn't find any addresses. Curiouser and curiouser. I also tried ipconfig/all from the command prompt and nothing shows up. Sounds like there may be a bung in the network somewhere.


Unfortunately, I can't access the NAS using network. Nor do I see the wi-fi router. I used Advanced IP Scanner and it didn't find any addresses. Curiouser and curiouser. I also tried ipconfig/all from the command prompt and nothing shows up. Sounds like there may be a bung in the network somewhere.
Your EX4100 has two ethernet ports, maybe you plugged into the wrong port. Worst case, there is a reset button to factory reset. That should reset to DHCP.
Unfortunately, I can't access the NAS using network. Nor do I see the wi-fi router. I used Advanced IP Scanner and it didn't find any addresses. Curiouser and curiouser. I also tried ipconfig/all from the command prompt and nothing shows up. Sounds like there may be a bung in the network somewhere.
It sounds more like the computer isn't even connected to the network for some reason, despite appearances.


What is the physical structure of your new home's network?

Line diagram where ----> represents an Ethernet cable.

ISP === (coax, fiber, DSL) ===> Modem ----> [WAN port] Router [LAN port] ----> D-Link 1008 -----> PC and ----> EX4100 .

With other wired and wireless ( ~~~~> ) devices connected via the router and switch as applicable. Modem and Router could be combined.

Make and model information for modem and router?

Feel free to edit and correct my line diagram as necessary.

Does the home have a patch panel and wall jacks for network connections?

Key, in addition to the above suggestions, is to simplify the connectivity as much as possible to get the NAS onto the network. Bypassing the switch, wall jacks, etc...

For example a direct NAS Ethernet connection to the router via a known working, at speed, Ethernet cable.

Objective being to verify that that each involved physical connection along the path is working.

Prove that the NAS is properly configured and connecting to the network via a direct router connection, Then you can progressively move the NAS to its' intended location. If the NAS loses connectivity then you will know where the problem resides.


Dec 31, 2007
The NAS is showing an IP pf 169.254.##.##. I'm going to try to connect directly to the wireless router. Wish me luck.

UPDATE: Moved device to wireless router location. Device shows up but windows says device will not accept connection. Hmmm...
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Dec 31, 2007
SUCCESS! It took a while for windoze to realise the NAS existed. Drives are mapped. Apparently whoever dropped the cable throughout out house didn't bother to connect them to anything.