Question Connection issues during online browser type group activities or games ?


Jul 10, 2020
So I only just realized this issue I've had for a while but now I think it's all connected. On disney plus group watch I have slight connection issues, on teleparty group watch I reconnect every few minutes, on online games like gartic phone and discords activities its constant disconnects, I only have problems on these small things, when I'm playing bigger online games, or in calls I have no issues. any ideas? I haven't switched internet or computers or anything recently.


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drives: make, model, capacity, how full?

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer for error codes, warnings, or even informational events that may be being captured when connection issues occur.

Start with Reliability History. Much more user friendly and the timeline format can be revealing.

Event Viewer takes more time and effort to navigate and understand.


No need to rush through either tool. Take your time looking and make notes on what you find.