Question consistent lag spikes

Jan 12, 2023
Hi guys, so recently I've been experiencing consistent lag spikes in some of the games i've been playing (network related). I have tried port forwarding, uninstalling and reinstalling games, resetting router, I called my ISP to see if they could do anything but nope. However, I believe this may be an issue with my PC and not my network as I tested the same game on another device on the same network and it wasn't lagging. What could be wrong with my pc to make me get these lag spikes, could it be my windows update version? or something else? would appreciate some input thanks!
You posted in the wireless section so most times people are running on wifi.

Try the standard leave a constant ping run to in the background while you play the game. If you get large spikes in the ping time or packet loss it can be a network issue. If you get no loss it is going to be more likely something with the game itself. All kinds of stuff like video settings can cause lag
Ah I didn’t know there was a wireless and wired section. And I did as you said and ran a ping to in the background, although my game kept getting lag spikes, the ping time was still the same and there was no packet loss, what kind of video settings or other settings could be the issue?
Hard to say it seems to vary greatly between games and there are so many different video cards with different features on each. It is all going to be trial and error. It does not even have to directly be a video option since it can be caused by spikes on the cpu also.
Hmmm I see. Well what I can say is that I did actually upgrade my GPU last month from a 1660 super to a 3060 Ti but I can’t see how that could be the issue, I’ll keep trying other methods that people suggest otherwise I might have to try a clean reset.
most probably theme I see over the years is people exceed bandwidth over the network. Just because one device can get 500 and multiple other devices can get 500 mbps doesn't make it a great idea, especially with auto updates, and multiple applications running in the background. QoS is literally your best friend with figuring out what needs what. Majority of games will function on 4 mbps, and even some new ones only require 512 kbps. Then wireless... Not understand how protocols work and not understanding the distance between devices also causes problems.