Console like 30fps lock on Fallout 4


Oct 29, 2015
Hello everyone! I just wondering if it is possible to lock fallout 4 at 30fps and have it as smooth as it is on consoles. Im using a controller too so It would be harder to notice its not as smooth.

My computer is able to run the game well, but I would like to up the video settings and make the game look great.

Im getting around 60fps on high settings but when I go to the city I get stuttering from v-sync and jumps from 35 to 60 fps. Its just annoying... I dont really want to turn v-sync off because you really notice the screen tearing with a controller.


Computer specs:
Intel I5 3570k
2 X Gigabyte GTX 760 2gb In SLI
8gb of ram
Windows 7
If you disable the in game Vsync (though the .ini files, you have to google it), and set your own in Geforce Experience you should get the desired results.
I also recommend you disable SLI (As last I saw) Fo4 does not like SLI.
They updated the drivers Im pretty sure to support SLI plus, I would have pretty lame video settings with just one GTX 760 🙁

I already tried the adaptive vsync. It adds SOOO much input lag its ridiculous.

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