Taken collectively the dumps do strongly suggest a RAM issue. However, since you seem to have tried two different sets we can probably discount that, as long as you're certain the RAM you used was compatible with your motherboard of course.
Since the problem persists across reinstalls, and assuming that you were careful to install all the necessary drivers - WITHOUT using a third-party driver search tool - then this is almost certainly a hardware problem. Have you properly installed all drivers?
I would suggest that you next download and run
Prime95. This will stress test your CPU (and you RAM to some extent), and this will make your CPU run hot. You'll also need a real-time temperature monitor (something like
CoreTemp or
HWMonitor) to keep an eye on CPU temps. Be sure your PC is clean internally (especially the fans) and place it somewhere where it will get a good airflow.
Run all three Prime95 tests (small FFTs, large FFTs, and Blend) one at a time. Run each test for about 4 hours at least. If Prime95 generates errors, if the system BSODs or crashes, or if the CPU gets too hot, then stop the test and let us know what happened. A good CPU should be able to run all three tests for at least 4 hours - it will get hot, but it's shouldn't fail.