Constant Coil whine in Ear


Mar 7, 2012
For a long time now I have been dealing with this coil whine in my ear.(2011) Thing is now it has gotten way to bad. In games like pubg it is a extreme loud "WWHERRTTHBGQQQQQQTTT" in my right ear now constantly, it makes it extremely hard to actually hear things to my right. I keep thinking I am hearing a car.

When do I hear it?:
It gets worse depending on workload of the whole system. I also hear it when I am browsing in google chrome. Anytime I scroll down i can hear a slight bzzttt.

What I have done to pin-point it:
I have stuck my head around in my case and found out I am only hearing the sound from my psu and gpu. My gpu isn't really that bad with the noise but my psu is like extremely loud. You still have to stick you head near it to see it.

What should I do?
I thought about getting a external DAC, but now I am having a hard time finding one that is good and below 100 bucks. I also am wondering if I get a better soundcard would it help to eliminate this. Honestly I will be happy with any kind of method, it be nice to completely destroy this sound for good.

Computer Hardware:
RAM: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 2666
MOBO: Asus - PRIME B350
CPU: Ryzen 1700x
Sound card: Asus - Xonar DG 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card
PSU: Corsair - TXM Gold 850W

Full List hardware:
Hm... when you're talking about the scroll wheel sound, I know EXACTLY what you mean. My old powersupply used to do that.
The cable whine on the video card... does it change depending on what is happening in the game? Or is it a constant high pitched hiss?

Right now my current power supply is doing great with cable whine... but my older two were quite bad. My monitor actually makes a good loud AC/DC alternating current sound when the display is asleep or the computer is off. Sounds like "beeeep.......... beeeeep...."

Is the video card or the PSU new at all? If either of them are still within the manufacturers warranty period, you could contact them and inquire. Corsair has great customer service, they will direct you. There really is not much you can do about cable whine though.... you either have it or you don't. It generally cannot be fixed.

Yea it changes depending on what is happening in-game. I actually took a recording of it but I haven't uploaded it. The psu is from like 2012, and my gpu is from 2016 . Like I said if I can find a way to rid myself of this madness I'll do it. The only thing that might be a issue is getting a new gpu because I know prices are pretty bad and I am not in the mood to buy a +350 buck gpu. Do you know if a external DAC would resolve that? What I am worried about is the psu powering it and it still having this issue.
Man... a DAC will give you cleaner power possible... but chances are that is not the issue. in terms of money, you might as well just spend 80 or 90 on a pick up a G2 or something. 2012? I am not too familiar with corsair PSUs, but it might have a 5 year on it... and you may still be within warranty on that. You should call them up.

They pick up the phone 24 7 but they tend to not answer emails very quickly. Just have a chat with them about it.

As for the whine from the VGA card... a DAC won't help. That is just how it is. If its real bad, you should send the recording to the video card brand, they will either say sent it in for RMA or its within spec. If you bought a decent card they usually come with a 1 or 2 year manufacturer warranty.

Well I am not trying to stop the coil whine on the device I am trying to stop hearing it in my headphones. I can't hear it when i take my headphones off its transmitting the buzz noise through the headset. I will contact them tomorrow and see what they say about the psu though.
oooh I see. This is just a headphone concern.
Not sure how to help ya there. Every set of headphones I ever owned on the PC pick up all kinds of sound... I think those sounds are there on external speakers too you just can't hear it.