TheStoryteller :
Techmo2 :
This error code indicated that a fatal hardware error has occurred. I have had this error before and the culprit was faulty ram. Try using another stick of ram if you have one, or if you have multiple sticks of ram, try one at a time and see which ones cause the error. This error can be caused by any hardware in the computer.
Due to the conditions of the crashing, I believe it is something to do with my GPU. As of late, my display would crash, and a message would pop up saying that "kernal display driver has crashed and recovered" or something like that. This is over a month after that problem, but I really think it has something to do with it. If there's something wrong with my display, is there any way to fix it? I don't have the option of testing my GPU on another computer, or anything like that.
Sorry for the late reply.
The error you described seems to indicate corrupt drivers. You can try re-installing the drivers for your card. Be sure to get the correct version for your os. If new drivers have no effect, try re seating the card. Sometimes the card might have a bad connection to the motherboard.
I this error is also very common if you overclock the card too much. If you've overclocked the card, try returning it to the stock speeds. If that doesn't work, under clocking the card might help.
If new drivers, re seating, and under clocking don't work, the card might faulty.
Try to rma the card.
If the card's warranty has expired, and/or you don't have the patience to rma, an absolute last resort would be the "oven fix". I do not recommend that you try this without looking at absolutely "all" other possibilities. A card usually does not need this fix unless you are seeing massive amounts of artifacts on the screen, but if you are left with no other options, it might be worth a try. Google "gpu oven trick" if you have to resort to this.