Constant stutter every 1-2 seconds

Apr 18, 2018
I have a strange issue with my computer. The computer constantly stutters every 1-2 seconds. The Stutters are very short and unnoticable, unless i'm playing a game. My drivers are all updated. I have checked my RAM and there seems to be no issue with them.
I recently had a issue with my cpu, and some pins got bend, but have been bend back. There is no longer a error message upon startup. Can this however still be the issue?
Temps are not high.
MSI b350 Tomahawk
Ryzen 1600X
Corsair H100i v2
Corsair Vengeance LED 3000 MHz.
Corsair TX750M
Gigabyte 1070ti Gaming 8G (Vertically mounted, connected with riser cable)
Windows 10 Pro