Consumer Reports: Just Stick with Windows 7 For Now

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Feb 5, 2009
This is getting ridiculous. There is no reason NOT to switch to Windows 8. Spend the $5 on Start8 by Stardock, and enjoy an updated and improved Windows 7 with the option of using the Start Screen.
To basically tell people to buy an outdated system just so it comes with Windows 7 is insane IMO.
*sigh* consumer reports are dumb. If you are purchasing a new machine then you want the current OS. This is not Vista where drivers were crippling, they are just win7 drivers, and typically work as well as they ever did on win7 but do not add the functionality that win8 could bring yet. Yes it is different, yes there is a learning curve, and yes pre-built boxes need better drivers (just one advantage of building your own rig), but none of those are such crippling issues that should keep you from picking 8 over 7 as none of those issues would even be noticeable to the average user. Besides, they will be fixed within a year or so, and one new features start coming out like better modernUI apps (really loving a few of them myself), cheap touch screens and other interface helpers like leapmotion and kinnect for PC, then you will be questioning your decision a year down the road.

For people with existing computers... well that is an entirely other matter. If you see yourself using metro apps then absolutely upgade before he price increases in late January. Personally I upgraded and I love it, my wife loves it, my inlaws love it, and none of us even have a touch screen yet. But it is definitely not for everyone.


Apr 17, 2012
Wholeheartedly agree with Consumer Reports in this case. I've used every version since the Developer Preview and the entire concept of smartphone UI on a desktop is wrong in a way that can't be fixed.


Dec 17, 2009
The big fail is that you STILL cant default boot into desktop without having to resort to any number or more or less sophisticated hacks... is that how a brand new os is supposed to be?

1 billion lines of code but MS can't be bothered to add a simple default boot type selector for those that dont want metro on their desktop computers. It only proves how little they care about what the customers want (like in every other ms os...)


Jul 7, 2006
Apple release a new product with barely any changes, the whole world gobbles it up and throws away their "old" (1 year old) electronics.
Microsoft releases a new product, with lots of enhancements, everyone freaks out and burns them at the stake. I've been using Windows 8 in a gaming and product environment since day one. It isn't amazing, but there's no reason to TRY to skip it either. It's a solid OS and a logical step forward from windows 7.

It's just a branding and marketing game, and the people have decided with their wallets who the winner is.


Aug 26, 2007
I used Win8 in beta...and it was bad. Not bad as in "Ohh thats bad!" Which can be a compliment. Its actually "Oh god, that's bad!" which is what you say when you smell a dirty diaper.


Jan 13, 2010
[citation][nom]rantoc[/nom]1 billion lines of code but MS can't be bothered to add a simple default boot type selector for those that dont want metro on their desktop computers.[/citation]

This was by design. There was a simple registry hack in the first version that restored the Start Menu completely, but Microsoft actually made an effort to remove it. What they tried to do is force Windows users to use Metro, hoping that would lead them to other Windows devices with the Metro UI (phones, tablets, etc). Plus, Microsoft gets a nice 30% cut from all Metro app sales, so no wonder they were trying to kill the desktop as soon as possible.

So happy they failed.

[citation][nom]bdcrlsn[/nom]There's a free program out there called ClassicShell that restores all Win7 functionality to Win8.[/citation]

I've tried every such program I could find, bought Start8 as well, and none of them work properly, all have various annoying issues. Besides, why do that at all? The only thing Windows 8 has over Windows 7 is faster boot time, and that's only noticeable if you use a spinning disk as a boot drive.

[citation][nom]soo-nah-mee[/nom]This is getting ridiculous. There is no reason NOT to switch to Windows 8. Spend the $5 on Start8 by Stardock, and enjoy an updated and improved Windows 7 with the option of using the Start Screen.To basically tell people to buy an outdated system just so it comes with Windows 7 is insane IMO.[/citation]

err.... as much as I like windows 8 (the faster start up, a little easier on ram (from what i've seen since DP), I would not say windows 7 is an outdated OS.

There one major reason for that. the majority of the code inside 8 is from windows 7 (which most of that is from vista).

Also about the start button, why spend anything when there a free solution. ;)

[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]Told you so, fanboys. Metro is dead.[/citation]

What's this metro you speak of. :p (i know, i know)

Either way, It's not "dead" completely. Might be on desktops (which still makes no sense) but i'm certain it wont be on tablets.


Aug 20, 2008
"but eventually the new Windows will be unavoidable".. Maybe.. When windows 9 comes out.. Since we all know it'll be what windows 8 should've been.

Like I'm really gonna switch to another windows after what like 3 years.. And for what minor improvements that goes with a headache. No thanks.


Nov 7, 2012
Ive used Metro on a TABLET and I liked it. Was really cool. Ive used Metro on a DESKTOP and it just didnt make that much sense. I just feel that somewhere in Boot Options , Or Advanced Features should be the choice to have a Windows 7ish Experience. I would still use "Metro Apps", I just dont want the whole forground interface.

Seems like a simple solution that would cause Microsoft to not recieve as much flak as their getting but w/e

The ONLY things that would make switching to Windows 8 useful would be

1 DX13
2 128 Bit

Both of which I dont see happening or becomeing "Mainstream" in the next 3-5 years


Jan 13, 2010
[citation][nom]warmon6[/nom]What's this metro you speak of. (i know, i know)Either way, It's not "dead" completely. Might be on desktops (which still makes no sense) but i'm certain it wont be on tablets.[/citation]

Which tablets? Windows tablets are an even bigger disaster (market wise) than WP7 was. The jury is still out on WP8, but there are indicators that suggest they're not selling well either.


Oct 6, 2010
"quirky performance"?

What is that woman talking about. The single thing that works worser than on Windows 7 are games from the Second Millenium.

Anything else?


Their whole model has to change. Two months is an eternity in these mobile times.

I use Windows 8 without any issues, but have learned to avoid the 'Windows 8 Store Style' app environment. Which is a failure for MS. Yes, the legacy desktop is improved (slightly) and it's miles ahead of my old Vista, but what is MS doing if people avoid their new stuff? And I personally had no problem with the new environment, but it's a wasteland.

It absolutely must be said that Windows XP is NOT secure and should not be used. That was borderline criminal advice.


Windows 8 is easier to use than Windows 7. If you can't figure out that search is the new start menu, then you really only need an old Aspire One Netbook anyway. As for booting straight into desktop to those that are just stubborn & like drilling down in menus & using the antiquated desktop, again you probably only need an old netbook since you can't seem to grasp the way Google functions. Just like Windows 8, with Google you just search for what you want & it instantly appears. i.e.:


Just so you know, they both work for me. Now time to delete & go back to the ease of Windows 8.


Dec 19, 2012
My co-worker mom makes $72 an hour on the internet.she has been unemployed for ten months but last month her income was $1797 just working on the internet for a few’s the site to read more


Nov 29, 2011
Classic Shell has made my customers very happy after I installed it on Windows 8. I have novice users who barely understand the email can be accessed in other places outside of their home unit. These are educated people and Windows 8 has made it easier. They do not need to go looking for programs. Programs are easily found using the "mouse" and metro pops up with a window with all their choices and not in a cluttered program hierarchy tree. As a tech support person, Windows 8 has taken the nightmare out of my customer throwing money away hiring me because they ignore updates and computer freeze from months of not doing Microsoft updates.

I am a long term subscriber of Consumer Reports but everything they write isn't the Gospel. But like an earlier comment mentioned, get less for more money, ruin the planet even more tossing gadgets for the next version.

Do people realized that R&D takes many years and most likely has been done when Apples genius marketing toss you bits of it each year?

What Apples does well isn't worth the price tag if the planet suffers due to consumerism and not educating the public on how to recycle or even sell their nearly new and old gadgets to online Web sites offering to buy and even damaged goods. I get free money from all those I service that will not bother using self adhesive stamps for a rebate or recycle old gadgets and laptops for money.


The reason there aren't so many Window$ 7 complaints is because there aren't so many users. Plus, the problems are masked by all the OEM varieties that allow all those vendors to point at the user any time there is a problem.

I love Micro$oft - they're software feeds my family when I have to help end users that are afloat in the morass of "help" screens and end up reformatting their drives or botching a re-install just because some other software dll is stepping on everything.

At home, I use a Mac, despite using everything from DOS to Widows du jour all the time. Took me about 15 years to realize I didn't want to spend my days fixing my home computer and then did the switch. Go figure.


"– a lack of a Start menu being the largest hurdle – "

Absolutely. It's psychologically devastating to me to drag my cursor to the very same bottom left corner of the screen I used in 7. Absolutely horrifying. O! Dear God! It's SO hard. I can't go on like this...

Yesterday (this is so humiliating) I found myself reaching out and "touching" the Windows Key----Jesus God, I had to actually USE my finger exactly the same way I do on a touchscreen phone.


Apr 25, 2006
[citation][nom]bdcrlsn[/nom]There's a free program out there called ClassicShell that restores all Win7 functionality to Win8.[/citation]
But if I do not want the new interface, what reason is there to get Windows 8? I have not seen any under the hood changes that make for a compelling reason to get 8.


Nov 7, 2012
Okay, Think of it this way. I dont want to call people dumb. But Im surprised how many people struggle at just basic windows functionality. I am by no means an expert. Metro does make it easier for less " fluent " Users to use their computer. Mind you only if they have never used a windows platform before. Most people who are REALLY into windows build their own rig. By building their own rig they in turn buy their own edition of Windows. Just make an Edition of W8 geared toward these people! How hard is that! To just screw an interface thats worked for the last 17 years (its been 17 years right?)just seems odd. Mac users like apple because of what it is. Windows users like Windows because of what it was.

The fact that every OEM seems to tune their edition of W8 to fit their product line is annoying to be honest. They've been doing this forever. Something about Metro causes this to be more "In your face". Mabye because Metro itself is "In your face"

Part of me loves Windows 8. Another Part of me HATES Windows 8 with a burning passion. This is mainly because of Metro. Metro on touch screens is a good idea. Using Metro with a mouse, which I have, was clunky and awkward. Im using it on my sisters laptop right now. I was happy with the lower Rescource usage. One can only hope Windows 9 (If they stick to the current naming) will be better. One can only hope that Microsoft will in trun listen to the community that has made their platform successful. One can only hope that W8 fuctionality will be fine tuned with the release of SPs and Windows Updates, Along with Drivers.

One can only hope that all Tech providers will better tune their programs before they are released. This goes for Operating systems, Drivers, Games, and everything else. Its not Vista (Which was fine in a sense with a few adjustments) but it can be better =/
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