Question Contact frame issue


Jun 30, 2018
Hi guys.
I had an issue with contact frame whom I got with motherboard (probably some cheap one).
I simply put contact frame in place then put screws but top right hand side screw did not insert all the way in like other screws (look at pics).
many times I removed the frame tried the same method no result.
When tightening screws 1/4 and 1/8 in "X way" that screw was easly tighten earlier then others, so I thought something is wrong.
Then I turned the contact frame opposite way and I saw that 3 holes do not mach (pics below), googled and I suppposed I got some cheap chinese crap.
Last time 2 hours ago I tried puting first screws into frame anf then frame onto the motherboard and I was able to screw them eaqualy.
But now I have an anxiety and fear I damaged the socket because holes on frame are not matching.
I really did not tighten the screws much. probably there is half cricle more until "brick wall".
So now I left the c.frame installed but I want to remove it again because I have fear I damaged the socket with cheap contact frame.
Help guys, please,I am anxious.