[citation][nom]dhowie[/nom]i found marcus!http://www.myspace.com/464312643[/citation]
Damn that was frightening, what's up with that smile Marcus? Cool contest, but almost zero chance of winning. Have to determine the average size of a candy corn, then the space within the case.
[citation][nom]jimmysmitty[/nom]The case is simple. The candy corn is not since not all are of equal size.My guess is somewhere near 50000. If I win, Marcus has to eat them all. At once.[/citation]
Either GIGANTIC sugar rush that will keep him up for weeks or diabetic coma...
[citation][nom]lashabane[/nom]What the (expletive deleted) is wrong with those attacking the author? It's disgusting and pathetic.[/citation]
It's one way to get famous!