Hello there (New to this). Im 16 years old and have been researching to build a PC for over a year now. I work freelance doing yard work for the community neighbours. So anyways, the PC i want to build is approx $1200 Canadian which will be paid for 100% by me! My dad for some reason is extremely strict and will not let me get it. His general reasonings are "we learned from your brother", "You can read", "You spend to much time playing video games, as it is"(I play a maximum of a hour and a half instead of leisurely watching tv) "Or you have other FAMILY computers that you can use". Lets start that the only computers that i can use at the moment are a base model mac mini or the brand new macbook air. This is fine and all but as the only game i can play is csgo at 30fps( U can't really use a small laptop for cogs), and lets not even start on edits. My mom will go either way because she knows the help I've done around the house and ability to maintain straight A's. Sorry about any grammar errors or misconceptions but i really need help🙁 Figured it was better to whip this off and answer any questions. Thank you