[SOLVED] Cooler Master Hyper 212 RGB Black Edition TDP Rating

You are not going to find that info easily as TDP ratings may confuse buyers as much as the definition of TDP varies from a hardware manufacturer to different hardware manufacture.

I would assume its the same or a little better than the EVO.

I wouldn't put the Hyper 212 on anything too much above a 9600k from Intel or anything above a 3800x from AMD. Both of these CPUs seem to be towards the top of what an H212 can handle, leaving wiggle room for other hot components and poorish airflow cases. You could throw a H212 RGB on a higher-end CPU, but it may not be ideal.
It's weirdly difficult to find the answer to this, as CM doesn't have a TDP guide on their site. They do list LGA2066 under supported sockets for the black edition. The lowest-rated LGA2066 CPUs have 112W TDPs, and the vast majority have TDPs over 140W.
Yeah, it's probably exactly the same. If you're on a mainstream platform, I can't imagine you'll encounter any problems.

To add to rubix_1011's post: some HSF manufacturers are more helpful and provide full guides on specific platforms and TDP ratings. Noctua does this. It's not necessary, but it's real nice to have when you need to be sure.
You are not going to find that info easily as TDP ratings may confuse buyers as much as the definition of TDP varies from a hardware manufacturer to different hardware manufacture.

I would assume its the same or a little better than the EVO.

I wouldn't put the Hyper 212 on anything too much above a 9600k from Intel or anything above a 3800x from AMD. Both of these CPUs seem to be towards the top of what an H212 can handle, leaving wiggle room for other hot components and poorish airflow cases. You could throw a H212 RGB on a higher-end CPU, but it may not be ideal.
The Freezer 34 Duo is around the same price as the Hyper 212 and is rated for 210W. If you want better and more expensive the Scythe Mugen 5 Rev.B for 60$.

Edit: They have an RGB version of the Scythe Mugen:
Oh. The Duo must be fairly new. Good to know. Buit it is more than the 212 EVO by quite a bit.
I did the same push-pull thing with one of my old 212 EVOs a while back. Made a small difference in temp. Got me another 100MHz. But I can't remember what CPU that was.
@ NightHawkRMX
Is that entire case made of Legos, or does the old case have the Lego shell glued to it?
Quite the conversation starter. I don't want to hijack this thread too much, so ill keep it brief.

Click on the spoiler for the LEGO PC and then click on the IMGBB links at the bottom. These will show you what the PC looks like.

This system never had a case, so I made one from scratch, so not built around any other case. It is made of all lego except for the plywood motherboard tray that is screwed into the lego with large self-tapping screws. Screwing standoffs and a motherboard into thin lego sheets isn't a good idea, as I found out.

Check out this thread to see the progression of the case from start to finish. Also, this case got featured in a youtube video. Even made it onto a thumbnail.