[SOLVED] Coolermaster V750 sfx power supply


Aug 19, 2021
Is there another way to test a power supply that wont start with jumping pin 16? This power supply when pin 16 is jumped will kick the fan on for about 2 seconds then turn back off. I put another power supply in the computer and it seems like this one is dead because the computer runs like normal.
Short of having a PSU tester, no, there really isn't other than having it connected to the motherboard and case power switch. If it turns on and then shuts off immediately, it's likely there is a significant problem triggering the protections and it needs to simply be replaced with a new unit.
Thanks for replying,

when the power supply is connected out of all the pins only pin 9 gets 5.12v other than that the 8 pin plug for the CPU gets 0.37v gradually reducing down to 0.