Cooling a computer with a mini fridge

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John Jamie Rocca

Aug 20, 2014
Hey forums
I got a purely hypothetical question for everyone.
Could i possibly use an old mini fridge as a way of keeping my desktop cool? Basically if i could find a way to get the wires out of the fridge with the tower still inside, and insulate the inside so as not to damage the tower with moisture, would that be possible to keep the tower cool in lieu of spending alot of money on liquid cooling?
For mine and his benefit, because I am equally curious about this now, could you tell me where the condensation forms in this situation?
Case Exterior? Interior? Fridge Interior?

Imagine this. Cook a roast beef or turkey until it's cooked and hot. This is your CPU/GPU/PSU, anything that generates heat inside a PC. Now take it right away and put it in a container, mostly closed, and put it in the fridge. Check it in a couple of hours. The inside of the container is covered in water, and the top of meat would be too if you could see. The fridge walls and any other items in the fridge will have some on it too.

Now if kept replacing the roast with a new one every hour, so it stayed hot in the container like a PC would, it...

Oh hey I didn't even know this discussion was still alive, yeah I didn't even think of doing that! yeah I came up with this idea after trying to use a mini ac fan (that didn't even work) to generate col air into my pc. As long as I'm able to generate that cold air any method is valid!
You could also drill 2 small holes in the freezer wall for inlet and outlet, then out a couple gallon container of antifreeze in the freezer. put a copper tubing or rubber tubing in the inlet hole of the freezer and into the antifreeze. than put another tubing threw the outlet hole of the freezer into the antifreeze for return line. in the container put a pump. coil the lines up in the antifreeze as well this will give more cooling time. out side the freezer make sure you have plenty of tubing and coil it up on the top of your pc make sure you have plenty of air flow threw the top of the pc as well. build a box over the coiled up tubing with a fan blowing across it down into your pc. and wha la cooled air blowing into pc.