Cooling Mods for....LAPTOPS!?!?!?!


May 29, 2006
Im snagging up a new laptop. After building a ton of towers and such, I finally bore down and purchased a laptop.

So the big question...

Inspiron E1705, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7200
256MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS
2GB, DDR2, 667MHz 2 Dimm, for Inspiron 9400/E1705
120GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive for Inspiron


Can I get any aftermarket cooling for this? And or any mods I can do that are fixable incase something fries and I can quick replace not to void the warranty!
A laptop cooler is going to be your best choice for cooling.

No internal mod is going to leave the warranty intact, obivously, and since laptop hsf's are pretty hard to come by (since nobody is doing that kind of modding...), I just wouldnt attempt it.

There is this thing, which is the closest thing to a true mod I can think of that wouldnt void your warranty.
Actually not true. I have a dell e1505. I recently swapped out the crappy 5v plastic garbage fan it came with. With the Iceberq 4 VGA cooler. What a difference. I know the Iceberq 4 is a 12v fan that well isnt even for a laptop but i modded it to work with the 5v and wire to the bat.. The copper heatsink and high RPM does the trick. My laptop doesnt go over 60c even under VERY high load. AND it looks cool as hell b.c of the blue LED'S. if you would like to know exactly how its done hit me up with an email ill be glad to walk you through.

My specs.

e1505 t7200 2.0ghz - ATI x1400 256mb overclocked. 15.4 xga. 3gb ram.