Cooling problem facing wrong way


Dec 10, 2015
I have my PC I couple of weeks now, I selected all components. I let an company build it for me since I am not the best at building pc's.

During a cleaning of dust I noticed that my case fan in mounted backwards onto my CPU cooler The CPU blows air from the back into the case and the case fan is blowing it out of the case. I have one case fan blowing in air from the bottum into the case and 2 in the front of the case. So basicly 4 fans blowoing air in and one blowing out.

Am I just stupit how I look at things or is this just bad mounted? I am prepaired to fix myself. I do have slight heat problems with my rig, I already have it on a wooden plank with wheels, so during gaming I can roll it in the open and MSI afterburner setting fans at 50% speed.

Picture of backside:

My rig has the following things if this helps the information boost ( Important one's ), I also can provide more picture's if needed.

• CX750M, power supply
• Core i5-6600K, 3,5 GHz (3,9 GHz Turbo Boost) 1151 processor
• Hydro Series H90
• STRIX-GTX980TI-DC3OC-6GD5, grafic card
• Define R5 Black, Case
• MAXIMUS VIII HERO, socket 1151 motherbord



(My grammar can lack)
The radiator fans are mounted correctly mate - they're in a push pull configuration meaning airflow is directed into the rad from the internal one & pulled out of the case with the external one.
Looks perfectly fine to me.

Yeah your fine, its meant to be that way, if you are really bothered by it you could switch one of the fans

no problem mate
you could probably get slightly better cooling removing that bottom intake & puttin g it as a top exhaust - this however means removing the cover on the case & it spoils both the look & sound damping ,I personally would leave it.

Youve set your gpu fans at 50% all the time??

You would be better setting a custom fan curve that runs all the way to 80-90% based on temps.
You dont want 50% fans when the gpu is running idle.


At 50% I find it loud enought, at 80% its like a tornado going off. At 50% My temps stay around 60 ish when running high end games.