copywrite? or is it copy right??


Mar 4, 2015
i know a copywrite is in place to keep people from making money off another persons creation. but as a person who grew up in the era of recording onto cassette off of the radio. and then later to burn CDs to backup the CDs that i purchased. nowadays music is shared everywhere. isnt that what the artist intended was for people to have access to the music??? plus people use another person computer, so what is the owner of the computer responcible for??
isnt that what the artist intended was for people to have access to the music???
Some may intend that, but I'm guessing that the majority actually expect to make a little money out of the deal. They've got bills to pay, just like you and me. And how is that going to happen if you just copy the music without paying for it? That's what copyright is for; to ensure that the artist gets a fair reward for their work.

Look at it this way. If at the end of the week your boss said to you "I don't feel like paying you. After all, you wanted to work here - isn't that what you intended?" you'd rightly feel pretty aggrieved. So what's different if the job is making music rather than flipping burgers?

If artists really want their music to be free, that's possible. They can waive copyright and say anyone can copy it. The fact that most don't would seem to give the lie to your feelings about what they intended.