Core 2 Quad Q6600 getting always close to 100% usage on games, causing stutter


Jul 8, 2016
I recently OCed my ancient Q6600 from stock to 3.0 gHz via bsel mod, with stock cooling, wich I'll replace next week, to see if I could get a little more out of it before total pc upgrade.

But whenever I play a game (Mad Max, Dark Soul 3, FIFA 15) the cpu always get near 100% load, causing heavy stutters. It's not always, occurs from time to time, more aparently on Dark Souls 3 and little less in Mad Max. This was happening even before I did the bsel mod to oc the cpu. EDIT: The gpu is barely at 50% load, all the time.

I know the cpu is old. But hell, is this video:, the game is running at 1080p, high settings, with zero stutters! With the same cpu as mine.

I want to know what is causing this? And a possible way to fix it, if there is one.

My rig:
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
4gb ram DDR2 800 mHz
HDD 1TB Western Digital
Zotac GTX 950 OC (ZT-90602-10M)
Core 2 Quad Q6600 OC 3.0 gHz via bsel mod
PSU C3Tech Video Edition 500R VE (DSA-500VE)
TV Philips 1360x768 (All games in this resolution)

PS.: 10 months now without a clean install of the Windows, wich I'll be doing today to see if it helps.
more ram would be definitely helpful (let's say 8GB).
To your question, you should check what processes utilize the CPU.
If it's game, you have not much to do beside lowering settings.
Also, what is your GPU utilization in games ?
Does it happen if you lower the game resolution to 720p ?

Forgot to mention my gpu is barelly getting 50% of load, and lowering the resolution, at last in Dark Souls 3, doesn't have any difference. And my old mobo is only up for 4gb of ram.

I'm not sure about this BSEL mod, but an overclock is best done by the BIOS. If your BIOS doesn't support overclocking, then it is likely neither does your chipset. All that overclock will do is make your system unstable, causing stutters and bake your CPU (well, depending on the overclock, really your CPU should have shut itself down by 95 degrees). It is also just as likely your processor is just old or you certainly have lost the silicon lottery. The high temperature will make things stutter as it throttles the CPU. Maybe your temperature sensor on the CPU is damaged?

Also yeah, if your board supports 8GB, get it. It will help A - L O T, but if it only supports 4, that should be fine for less demanding games.

Oh and upgrade. I thought all Core 2 Quad owners waited for the Haswell refresh ages ago.
Than only check that the CPU is used mainly by games, not some other process.
You have not much to do with your system. I guess getting X31 (if i remember correctly) board is an option to allow normal overclock and ram expansion.
Should not cost too much either.

My mobo doesn't support oc via BIOS, neither it's up to 8gb, only 4. Soon I'll get a new psu and aftermarket cpu cooler. As for the upgrade, I'll do it, just don't know when. I live in Brazil, and the price of hardware here, at last, is 3:1 in our currency, compared to the US.

I have those feels too - I live in NZ where prices are usually double like Australia. You should keep your processor at stock speeds. It looks like it will bottleneck your 950 anyway. Aim for a stable overclock not a high one. Core 2 quads are around 20 USD on Ebay (or cheaper) if you need a quick replacement. Xeons are also an alternative, but make sure your board is compatible.

Can you please indicate wich mobo I should get? Can't find any only by X31

The Q6600 is the max cpu my mobo suports. And as far as I know, I can't control how much the bsel mod will oc the cpu, it goes directly to 3.0.

PS.: I paid R$ 800,00 in my GTX 950, and it's like what, U$ 130,00?
it was x38 after all.
I have this one or very similar in my reserve rig
runs with 8GB and Q9300 at 3.1 GHz (don't really use it recently, so sorry don't remember. can check when i'm back at home.)
this one is also good
Basically you should look for P45 and X38/X48 based motherboards. Even used ones. You will have hard time to find them. As a side note, you shouldn't do it for more than 50$.

That must have hurt! I usually go to second hand markets here. So much better. Ill have to look up what the BSEL mod is before I can help you further im afraid.

The chipset n0ns3ns3 is thinking of is X38. But you can use P35, P45 or X48 for maximum performance. There are so many chipsets for 775 it gets so confusing, those are the best.
OK so you probably know this, but make sure your motherboard can support 1333MHz FSB, otherwise it won't work properly. If you have a OEM motherboard, then you need to tape up the BSEL2 and the BSEL1 pin.

If you have a bad chipset, which if you can't overlock and its not OEM, you probably do. Look up the CPU support list, if you can support 1333MHz FSB processors, then it will be fine. Otherwise your chipset cant handle more power to the CPU and it will poop.

The second hand mobos with 775 socket here are more expensive than a 1150 mobo. So it's not a good, deal. Just want a little more out of this cpu before I upgrade everything. And yes, it realy hurt to pay this amount on a hardware.

My mobo supports 1333. Here's the link:

Thanks man. I'll look into it.

But in the video I mentioned in the original post the game is running pretty well. And the pc it's running it is just like mine.

I'm sure I can find a video that proclaims a Pentium III can play those same titles at 100 FPS. Don't trust everything you see on the Internet. A C2Q is going to be a CPU bottleneck in todays games; simple as that.