Question Core 2 Quad Q9650 Overheating

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Syed Bilal

Apr 9, 2016
Recently I have noticed that my Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.00 GHZ has started overheating and the temperature reaches above 80' Celsius. The CPU cooler is stock CPU cooler. The Specs are

HP PRO 3120 SFF,
LGA 775, Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.00 GHZ.
8 GB DDR3 RAM 1066 MHZ
4 sticks 2gb each.
2 HDDs
500 GB WD Blue 7200 RPM
160 GB Samsung 7200 RPM
AMD FirePro V4800 1GB DDR5
Windows 10 Pro x64

On average the temperature remains around 70 . While gaming the temperature even reaches above 85 and stays between 80 to 87 C. I have cleaned the PC case including cpu heatsink and everything i can, but still temperature values remains the same. PLZ guide me thoroughly about, what i can do to compensate that, because it does not seems normal reaching between 80 to 90.
Will the high temperature damage the PC ?
It was OK before, as it stays around 70 to 75 on high load.
First, did you reapply the thermalpaste for the cooler? Second, what sort of games/apps are you taxing the system with? You seem to be on the right temps for the OS that you're using on that age old hardware. See if you can revert to Windows 7 and notice if the temps go down.

Which version of Windows 10 are you on? Also, where did you source the OS from?
I was unable to apply thermal paste and i kept the old thermal paste on it as the market was closed for the day and i could not risk running it without thermal paste. The thing is , I had been using windows 10 for a very long time on this PC. no problem like that had ever occured.
I am using Windows 10 1903 and its pirated version .
I mean everything had been good all the way up now. I dont know either it is really a problem or only I am cosidering it as serious.
I got the windows from Piratebay.


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