Core i3 for gaming?

fsx = a huge no. FSX loves cpu cores, more more more. LoL

edit - dont get me wrong, an I3 will work but the fx6300 for nearly the same price would fair better esp since its overclockable.

FSX's main process uses only one core, so a fast overclockable cpu is recommended. The other cores get used less but FSX will use all that you have available. There are guides available on how to set the cfg file for the number of cores you have.
Im trying to fit an r9 270x into a 600 dollar budget. Only problem is I want to balance both the performance of the games like battlefield 4 and fsx. I know that fsx is particularly cpu hungry due to it only using 1 core (32bit), I mostly use aerosft airbus and some flytampa scenery. I want to fit an r9 270x in a 600 dollar budget and I was wondering if there was any processor that could give me any good performance in both fsx and other games such as battlefield 4 and far cry 4.

Also I am very surprised at how fast everyone on this forum is, usually on the simulation forums people take like a week to reply.

Alright thanks for that explaination, how do you think the fx 8320/8350 would fair? Was trying to see if i could squeeze in an i5 but none of the ones i could afford were overclockable sadly 🙁