Corsair 450D front panel headphone jack working weirdly


Apr 8, 2016
Recently I got a new PC and have been using the corsair 450d as my case and I always used the front panel for my headset, but up until now, the front panel headphone jack is working up. Everytime I make a slight adjustment to my headphone cable, my computer thinks that I unplugged my headset, so I have to unplug my headset and plug it back in. This is sometimes incredibly frustrating when I am playing games and has really pissed me off. I know it's not my headphone or the computer because I tested with other headphones and it still did the same. Also, whenever I plug my headphones into the back panel jack, it works completely fine! If you can help me thank you.
You're first point of action would be stop fiddling with the front panel ports since they should be functioning without an issue as you game. Might I ask if the issue crops up intermittently when you're on your system? If so then there may be an issue with the drivers to begin with(possibly stemming from your OS, if you're on Windows 10). The other point may be that the front panel ports on your chassis are faulty to begin with so the best course of action would be to replace it with this.


You're first point of action would be stop fiddling with the front panel ports since they should be functioning without an issue as you game. Might I ask if the issue crops up intermittently when you're on your system? If so then there may be an issue with the drivers to begin with(possibly stemming from your OS, if you're on Windows 10). The other point may be that the front panel ports on your chassis are faulty to begin with so the best course of action would be to replace it with this.

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