Corsair CMPSU-650TXV2 or HX650 (75-001217)

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Jan 12, 2012
I am planning on completing a new 'gaming' PC build in around 5 months, waiting to purchase CPU and motherboard until Haswell is released. Without going into the level of detail of a new system build guide format, I plan on a $900-1000 budget, Haswell equivalent to the 3450 or 3570K, depending on prices, and GPU around the level of a 7870 GHz edition, along with a solid state drive and HDD. I might want the ability to SLI/XFire in the future, but realistically I only play games at 1080 and nothing all that current so it might never be necessary. I plan on purchasing parts over the course of the next 5 months as the "killer deals" become available, which is how I hope to get everything in that budget.

This brings me to the focus of this question: Newegg currently has the 650W Corsair TX650 (model CMPSU-650TXV2) for $50 after promo code and rebate and the 650W Corsair HX650 (model 75-001217) for $70 after promo code and rebates.

The TX650 is 80Plus Bronze and comes with a 5 year warranty
The HX650 is 80Plus gold, comes with a 7 year warranty, and is modular

They both appear to be manufactured by Seasonic.

I definitely want a good quality power supply, as I plan on using this build for at least the next 5-6 years, likely w/o any upgrades. So I would like to hear some thought from others one which of these PSUs in the better buy and whether or not this type of deal is likely to be repeated for a similar quality PSU in the next 5 months.

P.S. I realize that a good quality 550W PSU will probably be enough for my type of build as long as I don't ever actually run a dual card configuration or OC.
I have the HX750, it's the best power supply I have ever had! It is quiet and provides very reliable power. It's always best to get a modular cable system. For one it is easier to install into your case. Two, by eliminating the extra cables you free up breathing room which improves cooling. So, do get the HX650, you wont regret it.

Hi - both are good units, Corsair markets the HX as prof grade & the TX as enthusiast grade, so the
HX should be of superior build. Be aware though if you you CF 2 7870's that you will need a couple
molex to PCI-E adapters as both those models come with only 2 and 4 are needed to CF 7870's.

I would spend the xtra $20


Plz also be aware that the Newegg page for the HX lists 4 PCI-E connectors,
but that model has only 2

Both are ex values for the current price/deals


I did notice the conflicting reports on the number of PCIe power connectors on the HX650. Everywhere seemed to indicate it was only 2 x 6+2 PCIe connectors except that one spot on Newegg's page. I've noticed Corsair has had a couple different iterations of PSU that they called 'HX650', including a couple 80Plus Bronze models, but have different full model names for. That's why I included the "75-001217" official model number. Is there any chance that this newer model actually has 4 PCIe connectors?

Hi again - Sorry, but that model has only two. A senseless cost
cutting move for a 650w unit marketed as professional.
8 peripheral connectors and only 2 PCI-E makes no sense IMO.

It is still an ex value and there is no harm in using the adapters
when you have sufficient power, which you do.

Thanks for all the input and advice guys. I think I've decided that I'm going to sit tight and hope to see a comparable (or better if I'm super lucky) deal as I get closer to being ready to buy the rest of my parts. In the end I just didn't like either drive well enough at its current price. I think if the HX650 had kept the 4 PCIe connectors or the TX650V2 had been modular I probably would have gotten one.
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