Corsair Commander Pro USB 2.0 10 Pin to 9 Pin

May 2, 2018
So I need some advice on what to do. I have an Asus ROG Formula X and it only has 1 USB 2.0 port, but I need another 2 ports for pump and other monitoring things, I was wondering if the Corsair Commander Pro would be able to connect to the 9 pin internal USB cables even though it looks like it has 10 pins. If it happens to be that they are 10 pins is there anything I could do to make them compatible, like taking out a pin or making a hole in the USB 9 pin header. Also I wouldn’t mind getting the NZXT USB hub even though I would prefer the Commander Pro since it really helps with cable management.

NZXT Internal USB Header

Corsair Commander Pro
USB2 uses only 4pins per channel, odd (9th) pin is not connected to anything, it's there to provide a key so dual channel connector can be inserted only one way. Those connectors usually have one hole blocked for same reason.