I don't think it's so much that people want to hate on corsair because of their name, rather the reputation they've earned themselves. It only takes a little to earn a bad rep but takes a lot of turning that around to overcome and fix the way people regard them. Continuing to build low tier products at high prices and embracing low budget materials isn't doing them any favors.
Companies like seasonic aren't nearly as heavily advertised and at that they're more recognized now than they used to be. Instead of cranking out tons of low quality components, they've concentrated on quality and maintained a good reputation. That's not saying every corsair is junk or seasonic never has a bad unit once in awhile. Corsair would rather flood the market with a lot of cheap units so they can't be surprised when many start avoiding the headaches and potential problems, instead investing the same money in better quality units.
The review here is a bit confusing. On one hand it's a lower tier unit with a short(er) warranty, meant for moderate gaming. On the other it's powerful enough for 'enthusiast' builds with mulitple gpu's. Multiple gpu's are for 'moderate' gaming? If someone has an extra $300-500 for an additional gpu, surely they can muster up an additional $50 or so for a quality psu.