I’ve got a Corsair H150i 360mm radiator, and I’ve just installed a new SSD.
After slightly moving the pipes from the pump head to the radiator, the CPU overheated and shut down when I booted.
I adjusted the pipes slightly, and it worked again.
Temps at idle on the 9800X3D are back down to 45c which was about what it was before.
Although it’s working now, is this AIO on its last legs?
CPU 9800x3d
GPU rtx 4090
Mobo B850 gaming x wife6 mobo
AIO H150i Elite LCD AIO
Case: Corsair 5000
RAM 32GB DDR5 6000mt/s
6 intake fans, 4 extract
After slightly moving the pipes from the pump head to the radiator, the CPU overheated and shut down when I booted.
I adjusted the pipes slightly, and it worked again.
Temps at idle on the 9800X3D are back down to 45c which was about what it was before.
Although it’s working now, is this AIO on its last legs?
CPU 9800x3d
GPU rtx 4090
Mobo B850 gaming x wife6 mobo
AIO H150i Elite LCD AIO
Case: Corsair 5000
RAM 32GB DDR5 6000mt/s
6 intake fans, 4 extract
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