Guys before I used logitech g500 for a long time but because of double click problem on the buttons I decided to get a new mouse.
I fixed double click problem on g500 2-3 times by fixing the omron switch but now the metal piece in it is broken. And fixing is really annoying.
Now I dont have much budget.
In my country "logitech g300s" and "corsair harpoon wired" mouse prices are nearly the same.
I dont play much games anymore around 37 years old now.
But when I play it is either MMO like WOW or sometimes battleroyale.
Which mouse should I get. Because of my previous problems with logitech I dont feel close to g300s.
Corsair Harpoon has some good review all around web.
I'm not fan of RGB mouses but nowadays most of them are like that I think.
Or are there any better mouses around same price level that you can advice me.
I fixed double click problem on g500 2-3 times by fixing the omron switch but now the metal piece in it is broken. And fixing is really annoying.
Now I dont have much budget.
In my country "logitech g300s" and "corsair harpoon wired" mouse prices are nearly the same.
I dont play much games anymore around 37 years old now.
But when I play it is either MMO like WOW or sometimes battleroyale.
Which mouse should I get. Because of my previous problems with logitech I dont feel close to g300s.
Corsair Harpoon has some good review all around web.
I'm not fan of RGB mouses but nowadays most of them are like that I think.
Or are there any better mouses around same price level that you can advice me.