Corsair Hydro Cooler for AMD Ryzen 1600


Apr 20, 2017
Hello everyone,

I am about to build a PC featuring the AMD Ryzen 1600 on a Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3, unfortunately I have no idea what cooler to take.
I found the Corsair Hydro-Series H45 cooler which had a very nice price for someone who is on a budget. but im not sure if it fits on the AM4 socket.

I found this page on the corsair website
But they start at the H50.
Does this mean it is not compatible with AMD Ryzen not even with the AM4 socket bracket Corsair sells,

If so what cooler is recommended for the AMD Ryzen around the same price range as the H45, I prefer liquid since i got told liquid is better than air (even though im not sure if this is true ofcourse)

Thanks in advance
It would be best to check with Corsair Support regarding the mounting brackets and backplate for the AM4 platform and the H45. It will also depend on the MB you are going to use. I'm using the Crosshair VI Hero which has offset holes for different brackets however neither ASUS nor Corsair provided the correct solution.
Older stock did not provide the correct mounting brackets which Corsair are providing for free. Maybe new shipments have the correct solution.
If this article published back in February is anything to go by then some of it is false.

Having read this article: I purchased a H115i for my Ryzen 1800X and it did not fit out of the box as stated...
Well, I can't seem to find any info on if the H45 is able to use the AM4 bracket. However, what I've been able to find is that, with older models of Corsair's AIOs, like the older H100i, there's some issues. The earliest it begins, as you said, is H50, with prompts me to believe that it probably wouldn't work.
It would be best to check with Corsair Support regarding the mounting brackets and backplate for the AM4 platform and the H45. It will also depend on the MB you are going to use. I'm using the Crosshair VI Hero which has offset holes for different brackets however neither ASUS nor Corsair provided the correct solution.
Older stock did not provide the correct mounting brackets which Corsair are providing for free. Maybe new shipments have the correct solution.
If this article published back in February is anything to go by then some of it is false.

Having read this article: I purchased a H115i for my Ryzen 1800X and it did not fit out of the box as stated. I had to use an AM3 metal backplate which I was lucky to have on hand from an old build.

The H45 I believe is a good performer and at a decent price however, I have read it is noisy if that is of concern.