Corsair One Desktop PC Review: Cooler than the Rest

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ERIC SCHWARTZ, Perhaps this will help...?
Looks like a nice system, one I would consider but for one concern: How upgradable is the GPU? Are you locked into watercooled cards for the life of the machine (which usually extends through at least three generations of GPU's)?
Uh, first of all intake fans make sense for many PC's... also the Corsair One has an intake fan right on the top.

The air flow is to suck the air in the TOP and then it gets forced out the two radiators.

The Apple design is way better as it uses a core heatsink to mount stuff too and the intake fan is on the BOTTOM which forces air to flow up through the heatsink (that has CPU and 2xGPU mounted) and just goes out the top like a chimney.

Having TWO radiators with pumps seems a little wasteful for the Corsair One. I guess maybe that's what they are stuck with if they mostly use off-the-shelf parts.

I still don't understand why they didn't have the intake fan on the BOTTOM... probably the motherboard needed to be there for the connections to be more convenient and that would have gotten in the way of the fan.
Everything you say is true, and given that heat rises the top-exhaust model would seem better and more intuitive.

That being said, my personal experiences with thermodynamics suggests that reality doesn't always play out as well as it does in theory, and if this Corsair product achieves the fabulously low temperatures and noise that the reviews demonstrate, then it is a remarkable and desirable achievement regardless of if it conforms to what you THINK works best.

Also, the Apple cylinder hasn't been substantially updated in forever, so...I guess you could enjoy an antiquated but cool computer if you like OSX and the GPU's Apple decides to support.

I have to agree with others in regards to the idiotic approach of many design, not by any means just corsair, to bring air in from the top instead of using it as exhaust.

On my 1080ti rig I added a 2nd 200mm fan to the top and also reversed both to act as exhaust. I then made sure the front, bottom fans are intake and the CPU and rear are also exhaust. Doing this allows a near effortless avg of 2012MHZ+ on the GPU/50-55c/70-75% fan and a CPU that rarely hits 60c @ 4.2ghz. All in a room that's around 72-74 Fahrenheit.

On the 1080SLI rig I had to get a little more complicated since they and the 4930k put out significantly more heat. A single 200mm on top(exhaust), 120mm rear exhaust), CPU pushing to rear, 4x 120mm on side controlled via NZXT intake directly across from both GPU's and CPU, and 200 mm front(intake). Only problem I've had there is that during the warmer months I have to take the cover off the mobo side to allow more exhaust air flow. This is in a room that will get upwards of 80 Fahrenheit. Doing this allows 65-72c on the GPU's doing 2000mhz with the 4930k holding 4.20ghz and ~60-65c respectively.
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