Heh, no. All power comes from 1 source. The 12v rail. Inside the psu, every one of those yellow 12v pins all leads back to one single point. So there's no power loss at all from distribution.
Whether you use 1 cable or 2 is upto you, Corsair, Evga and others have just daisy chained the connectors into a single cable for convenience and looks. Your psu is well capable of supporting sli/crossfire (older cards) with 4x 6+2pin connectors and having 4x cables with 4x connectors at the psu was always a mess. If you look at older designs of large psus, the modular connectors on the psu took up the entire back of the psu, which made internal configurations a nightmare of jumpers and buss feeds, with daisy chaining half of those connections are gone, far easier to work with now. Same for wiring in the case, much easier to deal with just 1 cable to the gpu, than 2,cheaper on sleeving or extending, cleaner looks with the short bump from 1 connector to the other etc.
It's up to you, either way won't be an issue, if you sli the cards you'd be running both cables anyway, and still using just 1 cable for 1 card.