This is my last response since it's evident you're reading what you expect to see, but not what is actually written.
Right, because nothing lends credence to your argument like quoting Urban Dictionary. Remember what I said about words and definitions being important? Even worse, that's the last place definition with nearly twice as many votes against it as for it. Meaning not only are you not using an official definition ( though, that's understandable since fisking isn't in any reputable dictionary I know of ), you're not even using a popular definition, since 2/3 of people disagree with it. If you broaden your search, you'll see that most definitions leave it simply as a point-by-point disproving and refutation of an argument. Some add in the qualifier that it should be "ruthlessly factual" and that using ad hominems and flame attacks is poor form.
You might want to rethink that since you haven't demonstrated anything of mine as "wrong."
I am now convinced you're a progressive. You're projecting your invalid arguments on me, pretending as though I made them, and then acting superior when "my" arguments are disproven. You know, I'm really getting tired of you lying about me and holding me responsible for your failings. For the last time, I never used that word except when quoting you. You are the one who called people's hobbies and preferences "frivolous." So I hope you take some of your own advice and recognize "the error in deeming something frivolous based on personal preference."
I couldn't care less if you want to respond to this or not, though I hope you don't since you've already derailed the thread far away from Corsair's PSUs. But I can't stop you from making yourself look even more foolish.
xyriin :
"Fisking is a written argument where one person sequentially addresses each point of an of another person's argument in a precise manner relying on semantics and ambiguities to infer a defect in the original point. This approach is tantamount to taking a sentence out of context in order to refute an entire argument, and thus does not disprove the thesis as a whole."
xyriin :
Your definition of specious is correct, you were actually just wrong
xyriin :
I'm glad you finally see the error in deeming something frivolous based on personal preference. You are now 100% in alignment with why I called you out for denouncing modular cable options. I'm glad you've gotten on board.
I couldn't care less if you want to respond to this or not, though I hope you don't since you've already derailed the thread far away from Corsair's PSUs. But I can't stop you from making yourself look even more foolish.