Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (8x2) 2400 not posting at anything higher then 1333

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Jun 12, 2013

I just installed a Corsair Vengeance Pro 16gb 2400mHz (8gbx2) kit in my PC and am having troubles posting at any speeds higher then the default 1333mHz.

I currently have

i5 3570k @ 4.0 w/ h55 cooler
AsRock z77 extreme 4 mobo
Corsair Vengeance Pro 16gb 2400mHz ram (tried 9 - 10 - 9 27 timings @ 1866 and both 1.6 and 1.65 volts)
Samsung 840 Pro SSD 120gb

I was wondering if there is anything that I can do to get my memory to post at anything higher then 1333mHz. Every time I try to up the memory clocks or change the timings I get an error code (55) on my mobo and it resets my clock speeds to default when it reboots into BIOS.

It was to my understanding that I would not be able to reach the 2400 mHz clock speeds that the ram is able to run at and that was fine, but I can not get the clock speeds any higher then 1333. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks ahead of time.

I have the XMP profile set to AUTO. I wasn't sure if I should choose the preset XMP profile from corsair and change the DRAM frequencies manually.


So I can get my RAM to post at 1600 with:

XMP 1.3 Profile DDR3-2400 11-13-13-31 1.65v - Only profile available outside of AUTO.
Reference Clock - Auto
DRAM Frequency - 1600

Then in configuration my timings are 9-9-9-24 at 1.65 V

If I try and move the clock speed or alter the timings in any way to get to 1866 or any higher, I am unable to post.
I tried same settings as above but DRAM frequency set to 1866 and timings at 9-10-9-27 but wouldn't post. Same error (55).
Will I need to OC my CPU more to get the speed I want my RAM to run at? Current temps are ~68-72 on prime95 after 10 minutes at 4.0.

I'm pretty new at this, so sorry if I am not of much help. Thank you though.

Outside of that am I missing anything?

I was able to get my old ram (Crucial Ballistix Sport 1600 (4gbx2)) to run and post no problem at 1800mHz @ 1.5v without an OC on my CPU. The timings were a bit slower, so I'm not sure if that is my problem? I was just expecting better performance out of the Corsair kit, but maybe I misunderstood?

What are your timings set at? I might just mess with some timings and see what I can be stable at. Like I said, I'm pretty new. Thanks for the help though.
Well, after fiddling around with some speeds and timings, I finally decided to just try running the RAM at it's rated speed of 2400mHz with 11-13-13-31 2T timings, XMP Profile 1, and so far seems to be working.

3570k OC'd to 4.0 w/ h55 cooler
ASRock z77 Extreme 4 (Ram in recommended 2 and 4 slot)
Corsair Vengeance 16gb (8gbx2) 2400mHz running in dual channel
Samsung 840 Pro

I ran memtest for approx 30 minutes (just to get a baseline) and had 0 errors, using all 16gb, and CPU at 100% usage.
Temps averaged 58-62 degrees on the second hottest core, with temps never exceeding 68 degrees on the hottest core.

Am I missing anything here, or am I actually getting somewhere? I will let memtest run all night tonight, and see if I come up with any errors.
Might try 2133, many 3570Ks have trouble getting over 2133, will need an OC 4.3-4.4 or better depending on your individual 3570K then set DRAM manually to 2133, 10-11-11-29, 1.65 and may have to raise the MC voltage Think it's eith ddrVTT or CPUVTT to 1.15
That's what I was originally assuming, and that's why I was trying to down clock my ram but for whatever reason I have been stable at the settings I set above. ^^ (post above yours) at only 4.0ghz. Idk if I got lucky and will crash soon enough, or if I'll be able to stay at the 2400mhz and be stable enough.
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