Question Corsair Vengeance RGB Mismatch Problems

Apr 7, 2023
Hey Guys.

So i've been having problems since upgrading my RAM and I think I've now realised why...
I started off with 2 x 16gb sticks of Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro (CMW32GX4M2E3200C18) but stupidly made the mistake of later on purchasing another 2 x 16gb set of the same Corsair Ram, but CMW32GX4M2E3200C16. I've looked at corsair's website and it does state that the timing for the 2 sticks is the same, as well as voltage and speed. But I guess my question is if I would be experiencing these timeouts during games as a result of this ram mismatch. Both sets are locked at their recommended 3200mhz and appear to have the same current draw in BIOS. I've got the latest of all drivers available for everything on my PC.

If this is the case, is there somewhere I can try to get back a majority of my money for the mismatched sticks of ram...
Ryzen 5 5600x
MSI Tomahawk B550
RX 580

In addition to this, is there anything I can do with BIOS to make these 2 kits work together and save having to sell one?
You're not the only one with this issue on Ryzen with Corsair RAM. There are tons. Ryzen runs pretty bad on mismatched sticks like you found out, even with 2 seperate bought single sticks with the same part number and version number.

Your 2 kits are probably totally different. There's a version number on each stick that tells you what memory IC is used. What's the version number of your sticks?

Thanks SID,
Sadly I’ve heard only the worst with Corsair compatibility… the 2 sets as predicted show different version numbers (V4.49 & V3.30). What would be my best course of action here? I feel like I’m $150 out of pocket because of such a silly error 🙁
I’ll just add to this as well. The main problem I’ve been having is in Valorant and GTAV the game will often freeze up and provide an error stating “graphics driver error” or Direct X Timeout. I’ve gone through just about every troubleshooting step with upgrading drivers, you name it but no progress. I think the last thing I thought of was my RAM. But I’m not sure if that’s the problem here? Everything shows normal in BIOS and Windows and I haven’t had any problems with anything except for gaming.
I’ll just add to this as well. The main problem I’ve been having is in Valorant and GTAV the game will often freeze up and provide an error stating “graphics driver error” or Direct X Timeout. I’ve gone through just about every troubleshooting step with upgrading drivers, you name it but no progress. I think the last thing I thought of was my RAM. But I’m not sure if that’s the problem here? Everything shows normal in BIOS and Windows and I haven’t had any problems with anything except for gaming.
Test each set alone in the proper slots.

Make sure you have the proper bios.
In your bios, increase the ram voltage, well past the default of 1.35v bit by bit and see if it runs.
You may have to go as high as 1.5v.
You could also try running slower than 3200, but that is not so good for ryzen performance.

If you can boot to bios,
Run memtest86 or memtest86+
They boot from a usb stick and do not use windows.
You can download them here:
If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.
Hey there,

You should also ensure your BIOS is built on AGESA as min. This fixes a number of bugs, including GPU, and better mem compatability,

As others have mentioned, mixing DIMMs from different sets often results in errors.

Also, you can try turn your SOC voltage up a notch or two. As you are populating all four slots, the mem controller can sometimes require more juice. Setting them manually with Cl18 may get them working.
Test each set alone in the proper slots.

Make sure you have the proper bios.
I've previously owned one of the 2x16gb (32gb) sets, it was in the PC originally with 0 issues for around 6 months until I added this other set. I had also just updated the BIOS last week to the newest (Last weeks release) 🙁
In your bios, increase the ram voltage, well past the default of 1.35v bit by bit and see if it runs.
You may have to go as high as 1.5v.
You could also try running slower than 3200, but that is not so good for ryzen performance.

If you can boot to bios,
Run memtest86 or memtest86+
They boot from a usb stick and do not use windows.
You can download them here:
If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.
I can definitely boot to BIOS and run a memtest, but my main concern is if its actually worth it knowing that my sets of ram are different and can almost guarantee a problem, is it better to just cut my losses and sell one of the sets to go back to my original 2x16gb config? Or would you think a memtest is worth it to potentially confirm the cause of error?
Hey there,

You should also ensure your BIOS is built on AGESA as min. This fixes a number of bugs, including GPU, and better mem compatability,

As others have mentioned, mixing DIMMs from different sets often results in errors.

Also, you can try turn your SOC voltage up a notch or two. As you are populating all four slots, the mem controller can sometimes require more juice. Setting them manually with Cl18 may get them working.
When you mention setting manually with Cl18, how would I go about that? It seems like a promising attempt with an increase in Voltage and manual timing adjustment, but what are my chances of success here?
Samsung and Micron dies. That's never gonna work together properly.

Sell your current RAM and buy a 2x32GB kit. No Corsair but G.Skill.
I can almost agree with you, the only reason I bought the extra 2 DIMM sticks was for the aesthetic to be honest, my days of graphic design and editing are way past me and I have almost no need for 64gb of ram.
When you mention setting manually with Cl18, how would I go about that? It seems like a promising attempt with an increase in Voltage and manual timing adjustment, but what are my chances of success here?

Chances of success depend on how willing you are to try.

It's straight forward enough. You don't use XMP/DOCP. You set all mem options to auto, except for CL, voltage and the first timings. You can note the correct timing values in CPU-z on the SPD tab.

Enter those timings, voltage at 1.35v, CL18 and see if it boots. If it boots then you are half way there, and only need to stabilise. If not, then chances are slim.
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