Corsair vs550 psu


Aug 22, 2017
I bought rx 480 4gb but my psu (the one that installed on my pc right now ) i think its Chinese brand or something like this but don't have 8 bin or 6 bin connector
I want to buy a budget psu so i go to YouTube and search for psu can handle this card and found this VS550 550W 80+ so is this psu good enough for this card and my pc
Second thing im have hp pro 3500 case so will this card fit in this case
Rx 480 4gb gaming x
No, the VS is very low quality. The only pro is it comes with a set of protections. I do not recommend using it for any dedicated-GPU system. Usually it's overpriced anyway.

The CX500 isn't good. The CX550 (2017) is pretty solid.
The CX550 is the best PSU you've mentioned, and is the only one I can recommend.

If i buy this psu will damage my pc ??
Like so many people on the internet

Then why don't buy one of Toms recommended PSU's?
Stop saying you don't want to destroy your PC if all you are willing to spend is like $30 for a PSU.
A Decent PSU will cost you $100, fork out the cash and stop being petty with money.

There is NO such thing as High Quality, Low Cost - it doesn't exist, it never has and never will. All there is, is Adequate stuff for the price. You spend a little, you get adequate things, you spend more money, you get more adequate items.

I just don't understand how people think cheap and quality are the same thing. If this was so, we would all have $200 computers running like $10000 computers.

im dont say my budget 30$ my budget 100$ but in my country thos vs550 cost around 70$ not 30$ and the cx550m 100$ and cx550 80$ so i want to know if iget this 70$ psu will run this card fine or bad ?

the taxes on my country also more expensive if i bought anything cost 1000$ i will pay 300-400$ and add shipping price 100$ this will cost me around 1500$ my country is the most expensive country in the world

so if i buy from this website i will avoid taxes ?
or i will pay all taxes ??

It tells you how much tax is and you pay it to the newegg company who pays the tax.
Rather than questioning everything, why not go to the website and read about it.
It's very simple, click on website, go to your country, order what you want. Look how much tax is, Look how much postage is, compare price to your country price, if cheaper order, if not, don't.
Get a CX550. VS550 is meant for office systems with no dedicated GPU and lack many protections and also use low quality components inside. Anyone who says its good for your GPU doesn't know about PSUs. Sure, if you want to have a firework show in your room and then end up getting a new gpu and a new psu again then sure, go with the vs550.

Did you take Drama at school? You really sound like you're over acting in that comment.
From what you have said is, if anyone uses this PSU there will be a fire.
What you are actually saying is quite slanderous against Corsair.

Actually he is right.

The VS series is NOT GOOD for anything more than a basic workstation PC (Office PC/onboard graphics).

It's Corsairs lowest grade unit.

Losing parts is a very real possibility with these units.